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Christal Climonté:

Wednesday 4:15P.M.

Something was wrong with Armani she began breathing fast. And for the first time in my life I saw her cry tears where spilling from her face like a waterfall. Tione and I rand towards her while Jayden took Amiri upstairs.

Armani fell on the floor. I grabbed her phone and called 112. "Hello" "hello who do you need?" "I need a ambulance for my sister she is unconscious. We are on the ****street in London." "alright help is on the way" "oke" and with that I hung up.

I went through her phone and called her groupschat. After the second ring only niko joined the call. "hey" Niko said. "Hey is my cousin there?" I asked "yeah everyone is here whats going on? Are you okay?" Niko said while turning the camera towards them

"It's Armani she collapsed I called the ambulance and they are on the way. But we are all alone over here and I don't know what to do" I started crying. While I heard the guys and Jada arguing with each other.

"Hey ssshhh its going to be oke yeah? I will send Jada and Filly your way alright? Where are Jayden, Amiri, Tione and Layla?" "Jayden is upstairs with Layla and Amiri" Just on clue Tione came into the camera and spoke up. "Niko can you come too" Tione asked him. "of course we are going to be there in a minute alright" we nodded we stayed on the phone until we heard sirens.

"The ambulance is here" I heard Jayden yell while coming downstairs with the kids. I ran over to the door and opened the door so the ambulance could drive through.

I saw two paramedics run inside with a stretcher. One of them was a man and the other was a female. I recognized the female from when the house got on fire.

A couple seconds after the ambulance came inside Jada, Niko, Filly, AJ, Kenny, Darkest and Sharky ran inside.

"Her heart isn't beating!" the female paramedic said. "I'm starting a reanimation" she told us and her walkie talkie.

I started crying and soon after me Layla and Amiri followed. 

i know short chapter but just trust the proces innit. But is Armani dead? idk. just don't forget to vote and comment.


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