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Armani Pov:

Saturday 12:30P.M.

I just woke up by someone calling my name. "Hmmm shut the fuck up" what people waking me for?! Annoying bitches.

"Mani wake up you got a lot of things to do" Jada said.

"yeah just 10 more minutes" I said. With that I heard her walk away. Just for her to come back with a glass of cold water.

"Armani I give u 3 seconds to get up" this bitch ain't gonna do nun. So I just ignored her. And before I knew she took the blanket off of me and spilled the water over me.

"YO JADA YOU GONNA DIE FAM RUN BEFORE I SHOOT YOUR ASS" I said but then I realised what I just said. Fuck. I ran after her to the living room. No-one seemed to think anything off it. Thank god.

"WHAHAHAH EYO WHAT DID U DO TO HER" Sharky said laughing while he watched me chasing Jada.

"NOTHING I JUST WOKE HER UP AND THEN I THROWED WATER ON HER" she said screaming while she hid behind Chunkz.

"Oh shiii Jada u better run cuz she gonna kill you. I told u not to wake her up but u didn't listen" Filly said calm.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH" she screamed while I jumped her ass and took her to the ground. I sat on top of her and throwed fake punches on her.

"Don't u dare wake me up like that again. U know what don't wake me up at all what where u thinking throwing water on me it's just because I get along with you. If Rat-head did that shit I would have killed him by now" I said calm while getting off of Jada.

"Why me I didn't do anything" Aj said.

"I just can't stand your face and voice, u make me sick only by looking at u" I said semi-serious.

"Filly aren't you gonna say anything to her?" Aj said while looking at Filly with fake disbelieve.

"Nahh cuz she right" I walked up to him and spudded him.

"That my children is family-love" I said in a funny voice.

"Bro you're the youngest out here you're our child tf?" Aj said.

"Oh bet repeat that shit again then" I said in a challenging way. He pretended not to hear me and played with Lynix only for her to scratch him.

"OW she is just like u always moody and mean" before I could say anything Lynix scratched him again and growled at him. Then she walked over to me and walked against my leg.

"HA don't u dare talk about us like that" I said while picking up Lynix and walking upstairs so I could change my clothes.

After I showered and got dressed in a Manchester United Tracksuit. I decided to put my curly hair down cuz imma get my hair braided in a couple hours before my match. When I finished I went downstairs and sat down next to Jada.

"Oehh u smell nice" she said. To be honest this is all new to be having a girl-friend I'm used to being the only girl. I never really liked to hang with girls anyway but Jada is different we have a lot in common like her also having boy-friends and that.

"Thank u" I said short but with a little smile. She smiled back and went back to what she was doing on her phone.

"Oh btw did u guys eat or should I go make something real quick?" I asked her.

"No Chunkz and Niko went to get some food Filly gave them your order already" she said back.

"oh yeahh alright thnx" after a couple minutes of a awkward silence I spoke up again.

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