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I did not prove read this so there may be some mistakes.

Filly's pov:

I just got home and it was 7 P.M already Chunkz and I did apparently take a long time recording a video for his channel. When I walked in I noticed that the whole house was dark so I called out for Armani to see if she was home. When I took of my shoes I saw Lynix walking towards me so I just played with her for a bit and then went up to check up on Armani. When I walked into her room I saw her deep asleep so I decided to leave her be.

After hours of playing COD with the boy's (AJ and Chunkz) I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and a couple seconds later I saw my sweet little cousin 'cough cough' "When did you get home" Armani asked me 

 "Acouple hours ago"  "Oh aight u hungry?" 

"Yeahh you want me to order something?" "No I'm cooking today" 

"Why do I have a feeling you're gonna blow my kitchen up" "Oh shushh we both know I'm the best chef u know"  

"Blabla bla you're so full of yourself you know" "No I just have something you never heard about named confidence" I just rolled my eyes at her after she said that I heard the boys go crazy

"Yo Filly with a girl"~Chunkz  "AAAAAHHH FILLY'S GIRL JUST VIOLATED HIM"~AJ" "AJ you little triangle-headed rat shut tf up man she my cousin you schmuck" 

Armani looked at me and begun laughing "WHAHAHA man just violated someone after he got violated"~Armani "Oh my lord you lot are hella annoying man" 

 "WHAHA we know you love us Filly Pilly"~ AJ " Yeah that's it imma go laterrr" after they said good bye I decided to go see what Armani was cooking. "Yo Mani what u cooking" "Lasagne"

"Oehh it smells great" "Thank u, can u please hand me the cheese" I handed her the cheese and decided to ask her if she wanted to go out after dinner. 

"Yo Mani you wanna go out after dinner?" "Yeah sure" "Alright call me when dinner is ready" What I didn't tell her was that we where actually going to the Beta-House and hang out with them lot.


I just finished cooking the lasagne so I called for Filly to come eat "FILLY FOOD IS READYY" "COMING" I sat down at the table and waited for Filly to come. When he came we started eat in silence cuz there no talking with food in your mouth that's hella nastyyy.

 "So Filly where are we going after dinner?" "It's a surprise just wear something nice" "Alright but don't I always wear something nice?"

 "just wear something that isn't a tracksuit" Filly said while rolling his eyes at her in a playful way. After dinner we did the dishes and headed upstairs to get ready. I took a quick shower did al my hygienic stuff and changed in something comfortable but good looking. I had my curly hair down, curled my lashes and put on some lip gloss and I was ready to go.

The outfit: 

The outfit: 

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