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Jada's Pov:

Friday 4:44P.M.

I was a sleep when I heard Armani repeatedly saying no. She sounded so sad, confused and mad in one. It was silent for a couple seconds. So I tried to sleep again.

Until I heard her sniffle I sat up on the bed and shook her a bit in attempt to wake her up. "Mani" I whispered no response "Maniii" I said a bit louder on which she just hummed. "Armani" finally her eyes fluttered open damn this girl is a deep sleeper.

"You ok?" I asked her with a bit concern in my voice. She just nodded her head and walked away with hurt in her eyes.

'why was she crying? Should I go after her? Should I wake up Filly?' thousands of questions went trough my mind. I decided to just follow her.

I think she went upstairs, to the balcony I guess? As I took my first step on the stairs I heard Shuffling from downstairs where the boys are asleep.

I tried my best to not make any noise while walking up the stairs. When I was finally upstairs I walked over to the balcony where she indeed was.

When I knocked on the door Armani turned around almost immediately just to be met with me. "What u sneaking up on me for?" She said with that stupid attitude of hers.

I wanted to return that attitude when she got me off guard by lighting a blunt. I took the blunt from her but before she could say anything I began talking.

"If u gonna smoke that now your drug test is going to be positive. They gonna disqualify you if they found any trace of drugs in your urine" I said 

"Fuck" was the only thing that came out of her mouth.

"What u smoking a blunt for anyways?" I asked her. "Don't worry" Was the only thing she said again. Why she always acting like this.

'What this bitch being stubborn for I'm only trying to help her man da fuck?' I thought "Armani-" before I could finish my sentence Armani cut me of what pissed me off.

"I said don't worry didn't I? And what is u using my govrn for? You aint my mom to be using that shit so calm down on that shit man. I've been talking to her for a day and she be thinking she can use my govrn tf" She said while walking away.

"What u being stubborn for I didn't do shit so calm down man tf always being moody for nothing fking bitch pissing me off while I'm just trynna help u" I said while rising my voice a bit. I walked after her cuz im not done yet.

'Tf this bitch fast as fuck how she downstairs already' I thought

"Who u thinking u talking to raising ur voice and shit?! I aint one of your little friends to be talking shit like that fking bitch. And let me be straight yeah I don't need yo fucking help understood"  She said with anger in her voice

I wanted to say something but Armani beat me to it "Go sleep or sum imma head out and if im not back before the guys wake up tell'em I went outside" She said cold and bold.

I just nodded my head and walked with her to her room. Armani picked the clothes she was gonna wear and walked to the bathroom that was connected to the bedroom.

When she finished she walked in the room with her Black PSG 2019 striker tracksuit on. Armani walked to her bag with clothes and picked something shining out of it. I don't know what it was and I also don't care.

Armani put on her jordan 4's retro black grabbed her black puffer jacket and left. I waited a minute and went downstairs to get myself a bottle of water. 

When I passed the living room the boys were deep asleep even Niko was. That really was suprising.

AfterI got my bottle of water I went upstairs again and fell asleep.

688 words


Should I do others POV more often?

BTW I didn't prove read this so there may be some mistakes 

Thank you for reading mh <33

~ sbx

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