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Armani's Pov:

Friday 4.44A.M.

I stood in a dark room all by my self. When I turned around I was in my fathers restaurant together with Keem, my dad and Keem's dad.

Our dads just walked to the kitchen while Keem and I sat down on a table. Talking about all sort of things.

Until Keem and I heard glass chatter all over the ground. Someone had thrown a brick trough the windows. Our dads came running to us making sure we where ok.

But that when it happened we heard loud gun-shots and 2 bodies drop.

DAD! Keem yelled. I tried to yell but I couldn't.

Everything went black and I was back at the dark room again. I looked around but I was standing next to Keem.

No No No please not this memory. SHITT STOP.

I was watching how Keem and I were walking on the street, it was like I was a ghost.

I wanted to wake up but I couldn't.

A black car with Tinted windows drove with full speed towards us. They rolled down the windows.


Before any of us could say something they passed us and 3 loud shots were heard.

That's when it happened. I watched how both me and Keem got shot. I didn't seem to notice at first cuz of the adrenaline.

I saw Keem's body drop to the ground. "KEEM!" I watched my self drop to the ground holding into Keem. Keem his eyes fluttered open and he began mumbling to me.

'Please not this part. SHIT. Stop pleaseeee' I was trying so hart to wake up but I just couldn't.

"Armani I-I- I love you" I watched myself crying. Until I finally had the courage to speak up again.

"Keem I love you too. Please don't let me go. It was u and I together against the world forever. U promised me Keem. U promised me to never let go. We promised each other to stay at each others sides Keem. Please."

I just was there watching how I was putting pressure on his wounds while holding him in my arms. "A-Arma-ni I-I w-ill a-lways be on yo-ur s-si-de" he said while pointing to his hart.

I wanted to say something but he beat me to it. "R-R-UN" I didn't get why he was saying that until heard more gunshots.

I got shot again this time in my shoulder and lower back I didn't feel anything but numbness, while Keem was Slowly closing his eyes.


This time I began crying my eyes out. I stood up took his gun and all the illegal stuff he had on him.

"I'm so-" Manii, Armaniii.

~End of the dream

That's when I finally woke up. I was all sweaty and had tears in my eyes but I blinked them away quickly when I noticed Jada was looking at me.

"You ok?" she asked me. On which I just nodded and walked away to smoke a blunt. I walked upstairs to the balcony.

When I was reaching to grab a blunt I heard knocking on the balcony door. I almost broke my neck just for me to be met with Jada.

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