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Niko Omiliana:

Wednesday 4:25P.M.

As soon as we heard the paramedic say that Armani's heart didn't beat the kids started crying I took them to the kitchen and tried to distract them. Jada, Chunkz, Darkest and AJ soon fallowed while Filly, Sharky and Kenny stayed in the living room with Armani.

I heard Filly calling someone, I guess her coach and them.

"Hey hey hey it's going to be alright the paramedics and the doctors are going to help her" I said while picking Layla and Amiri up.

I sat them on the kitchen counter while I grabbed some apple juice for them. When I looked over to where chunks Jada, Darkest and AJ tried to calm Jayden, Tione and Christal down I saw that they where calming down already.

"Hey guys I know that this is a big shock but she is in great hands now I promise that she will be alright yeah" I said praying that she would actually be alright. The kids nodded. Kenny soon after ran into the kitchen. "HER HEART IS BEATING AGAIN. THEY ARE GOING TO THE HOSPITAL RIGHT NOW AND FILLY WENT WITH HER IN THE AMBULANCE"

"Jada, Chunkz I will need yall with getting clothes and stuff for the kids and Armani for when she wakes up" I told them while the rest went after the ambulance.

Jada Jimenez:

I agreed with Niko to stay here to get stuff for the kids and Armani. "Alright Chunkz go get some clothes for Amiri and Niko go get some clothes for Layla. Jayden, Tione and Christal go upstairs and pack a couple of outfits and pyjama's and stuff you gonna need alright." With that everyone did what I told them while I ran upstairs to Armani's room.

I walked in her walk-in-closet and looked for her bag. I found her black duffelbag I grabbed it and grabbed a couple of bra's, underwear, a trackie and some football shorts and hoodies.

I searched for her socks so I opened a random drawer but what I found there caught me off-guard. I knew something was off with Armani but I wouldn't think I would ever find something like this over here.

I stared at the drawer full of guns. Until Chunkz voice dragged me back to reality. I closed the drawer and searched for her sock drawer. I couldn't focus anymore.

Why did she have guns?

How did she get the guns?

When did she get the guns?

Where did she get the guns?

I was going crazy until Chunkz come to check up on me. "oi u alright yeah?" "yeahh couldn't find the socks but here they are innit" "alright lets go Niko is downstairs already with the kids" I nodded and walked after him.

"Alright Jada you need to take Armani's car because we aren't going to fit in one car together" "NO I-uh mean I don't want to take that risk in damaging the car, I think it's better if one of u guys do it" they looked at me with suspiciously and decided that Chunkz and I would get in Chunkz car with Christal while Jayden, Tione Amiri and Layla would go with Niko in Armani's car.

Niko secured Layla and Amiri in the booster seats and made sure everyone was alright before he drove toward the hospital.

Armani Barrientos:

I woke up in a room darkroom with a white door in it. when I wanted to walk towards the door I got stopped by the sound of footsteps behind me. I was met with Jamie, Micheal, Jarmaine and a lot of other paigans that I have killed. Next to them where standing my people who whent down in the streats.

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