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I did not prove read this so there may be some mistakes.

Don't forget to vote luv!!

Armani's pov:

I woke up by my alarm going off. When I looked at my phone it was already 10.15 I hopped in the shower did my hygienic things and got dressed.

After I got dressed in my Orange Nike Tech Fleece I did my hair and went downstairs grabbed an apple and water.

Cuz I cant eat before the whole weighing ceremony. It was already 10.45a.m so I hopped in the car and sped away.

'•.¸¸.•''¯'••._.• 𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕤𝕜𝕚𝕡 •._.••'¯''•.¸¸.•'

When I arrived it was already 10.55 I had 5 minutes to be at the ceremony so I ran to the entrance where my coach was waiting. When David noticed me he had an irritated look on his face.

He took my coat from me and told me to walk towards the stage. Once I arrived the first thing I noticed was the girl I was going to fight.

She had a golden championship belt or something. David never told me I had to fight an champion but that doesn't matter I never backed down a fight, that's for pussio's only.

When I got on the stage the interviewers started to yell questions at me like maddddd calling my gov and all. When I sat down the whole thing began.

"Hello everyone welcome to today's weighing ceremony. Today we here for a beautiful upcoming match of our big champion and the Killer Queen" The presenter said.

After listening to him rambling, he put his focus on me and started introducing me.

"Here we have our one and only Killer Queen. She inherited her name at the tournament in 2011. This as a follow-up to the KO she gave to her then opponent Star Johnson. She was disqualified for striking on vital areas. When the Host of the then match announced that Mani was disqualified, there was a loud shout through the stage chanting Killer Queen after that day she fights under the name Killer Queen" The host said

"Then we have The Striker who inherited her name in 2020 at the championship for her murderous strikes"

"But here sits our Killer to enter the ring against our one and only Champion The striker AKA Gerta Bazoz. How do you feel" He asked me.

"Nothing much" I answered short but powerful.

"What about you Gerta" the presenter asked

"Yeah not much I'm kinda looking forward to see what this little girl has inside of her and what she so overrated for because you guys never bring me a worthful opponent" The Gerta bitch said

What she trying to piss me of for with her witch looking face.

"I guess you will get your answer Saturday when I remodel your face. I'm almost feeling sorry for having to fight you cuz don't you need to feed your grandchildren or sum?" I said calm and blankly

"What was that" she asked me

"You heard me didn't you or are you def too?"

"Well first of all I'm just 26 and-" I cut her of

"Well damn you are doing something wrong with yo skincare cuz even a death dog looks better then you"

That's when everyone bursted out laughing even her coach was laughing.

Before Gerta bitch could open her mouth again the presenter began talking while trying to hold his laugh.

"I would like to request u lot to get up and stand on the scale one by one"

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