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I'm sorry guys but I'm discontinuing this book!

I hope yall can forgive me!

SIKEEEEE BITCHHHH!!!! couldn't do my boo's dirty now could I?




Armani's Pov:

"How could you do this to me Armani? After all we been through? How could you possibly replace me with those people you don't even know them?! They weren't there when u needed someone but I was, I was always by your side! They are planning on setting you up! Don't trust them! They just using you Armani! Why did you did this to me Armani? Didn't you love me? How could you let me die like that? I thought you loved me!"

"I-I I did k-!"

"He is right Armani your such a horrible person. You're the reason I died! It's all your fault your such a disappointment Armani. I get disgusted to even think your my daughter. My sweet little daughter turned into a monster, a psychopath and a demon who kills people for fun. Who deals drugs for some money.

"P-p-please listen to me d-"

"HAHAHA no one loves you don't you get it? Even your mom is hates you! Why do you think she let me beat you up? I should of killed you when I got the chance! Or even ra-"

I woke up, my whole body was covered in sweat I. A feeling of disgust, guilt and emptiness took over me. Was it really my fault that my dad died? Did I really betray Jakeem? Does my dad really hate me? Did they really think about me like that?

I came back to reality by my doorbell app ringing. I picked up my phone only to be met with cops standing in front of my door. I hid my Gun and all the illegal stuff in a secret room that only me and Keem knew of and went downstairs.

I walked to the door and made myself ready for what was about to happen. When I opened the door I was met with two officers. One of them is white with grey hair and a grey moustache, and the other was a young light skinned man around his 30's.

The older spoke up as soon as I opened the door. "Are you Armani Barrientos?" "Yes that's me, how can I help u?" I asked trying to be respectful.

"Well I think you would want to sit down before we tell you the news" is what the light skinned man said. "haha no need for that just tell me" I said.

"Ok well........

HEYYYY!!! I got u there earlier didn't I.

so chile anywayssssss im back bitchesssss.

Sorry for the short chapter but imma try upload the next chapter in a bit. And let me know what you guys think cuz i really can't handle yall silent readers!!!

And for my fellow muslims Ramadan kareem may allah help us go through it with ease. <333

Don't forget to vote hun


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