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"So u did have a child?" AJ said but gained a slap from Chunkz. "not the timing bruv" "what child what are they talking about Armani?" Filly asked.


Armani Barrientos:

Friday 00:01 A.M.

"And this is our cue to leave" chunkz and Darkest said in sync. The others agreed and left.

"Filipe I beg u don't tell this to anyone" "You know I would never" I nodded.

Alright here we go I guess. "I was 16 when it all happened."

Flashback March 2015:

Rico and I where walking down the street on our way to get some food. Until four men with ballies, guns and machetes bumped into us. Rico and I backed out our guns and pointed it at them.

"Oi you're AB innit" one of the men asked me. "Who's asking" I said with an attitude. "OI gyal has jokes innit" a other men said. "Listen up fam what u want from her bruv" Rico asked."This gyal killed our mans" the first men said again.

"Bruv what man be specific how am I supposed to fucking know who the fuck I killed if u say 'our mans' girl has more blood on her hands then she can count and man standing here like I don't kill people on the daily fucking cunt" I said irritated.

"You killed our mans tiger" the men said with venom In his voice. I couldn't take him serious. "TIGER WHAHAHAAHAH MANS NAME IS TIGER WHAHAHAHAHAA" I laughed hard as fuck I had tears and shit.

"You mean that guy whit the bowed knees and walked like a pinguin? If so yeah I killed him" I said chuckling.

"Aight that's all I needed to hear" the men said. And with that I got shot 3 times. All three straight into my lower stomach.

I let out a loud scream while I shot on 3 of the guys while Rico shot the other 2. Rico called Jakeem and a couple of lads to clean this shit up before the feds would come.

"Shit Armani man. OI stay with me fam. Don't close your eyes just yet." Rico said while taking his hoodie and pressing it on my wound. I hissed.

"Where are they man" and just on cue Keem arrived with a car behind him. Keem got out of the car and hopped in the back while Rico lifted me and laid me down on the backseat with my head on Keem's lap.

"Hey Armani it's gonna be alright yeah" he reassured me while pressing on my wound again. I gave him a little smile and groaned again.

"Fuck this shit hurts man" I said. "I know I know I'm surprised u aren't crying" Rico said. "Bruv you know I don't cry about stupid shit" I said rolling my eyes. "You literally got shot that's not stupid shit" Keem said.

"Whatever" I groaned again. "what is happening to the bodies?" Keem asked. "you saw the car behind u they are cleaning the mess up" Rico said.

"OI Armani hold tight yeah we almost there" Rico said. My eyes started to feel so so so heavy. I couldn't keep them open anymore.

Next thing I know I woke up in the hospital with all kinds of wires sticking in my arm and hands. I saw four people standing next to my bed. I tried to sit up but I felt a sharp pain go through my stomach making me let out a scream.

The four bodies looked at me. it's just now that I realised that the four people are Jakeem, Rico, David and Sharita.

"She is awake" David yelled while getting a doctor. Rico went to get me some food and Sharita went to grab some clothes for me to change into.

"Hey how are you feeling?" Keem asked me. "Like shit" I said laughing. I hissed again feeling the pain. I patted the open space next to me for him to come lay with me.

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