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Armani Barrientos:
Sunday 08:55 A.M.
At home

Niko and I were lying in my bedroom cuddled up with each other. "I love you Ami" he said out of the blue. "I love you too Niko" and with that, I kissed him.

I shot up and stared at the wall, 'what the hell did I just dream about?' I asked myself. I don't even like this guy and we barely know each other.

I just decided to try and forget about it, I jumped into the shower. After I undressed I started to rinse my body. I couldn't help but notice the small bruises that had formed in the last two days, caused by some needles.

My 'parents' are still in the hospital. My mother woke up from her coma the day I was discharged. I didn't go to see her, but I think I should, she's my mum after all. Oi don't get me wrong I don't love her.

I got discharged from the hospital two days ago ever since then things began going downhill. I started to smoke weed on the daily. I started falling back to the life I used to live. I be doing some deliveries here and then. My gang needs me everything went left since I left. And they got some stupid beef again I swear to god, them stupid paigeons really think they can mess with my gang.

After a long hot shower, I got dressed and got ready for the day. When I was done I went downstairs and made some breakfast. The kids were at David's and Sharita's. They offered to take care of the kids, while I tried to get on my feet again.

Oh I have some good and bad news. Blake will be unplugged if he doesn't wake up tonight. That means I'm going to be the kid's legal guardian. My mum is forbidden to be their guardian because of her overdoses. But to be honest, I really don't think I can do it.

but I don't want them to go to an orphanage either. Don't get me wrong I love this kids I would do anything for them but I really don't know if I should do this. Anyways I'm getting ready to visit Rico and go see how the mandem is doing after.

I was dragged out of my thought by my burner ringing. "Speak" is all I said before I heard a voice I thought I would never hear again.


words: 432 


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