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This is not prove read!!  and sorry for making yall wait so long

Jada's Pov:

Sunday 09:00A.M.

I woke up in a room I never seen before. I looked around and saw a lot of teddy bears and kids clothing. Am I kidnapped? That's when I remembered I'm at Ami's (Armani).

I went downstairs only to be met with Ami and Niko asleep on the couch. These two sleep like animals.

Ami was sleeping with her leg on top of Niko's chest while he hugged her leg and her arms were all over the place I took a couple pictures and fixed the blanket on top of them.

Soon after I went upstairs and got dressed. Then I ordered some food for all of us. A couple seconds later 3 heavy footsteps were heard coming down the stairs.

When they got downstairs and saw their friends asleep on the couch together they began making jokes and taking pictures until AJ's annoying loud ass had to be stupid. And jump on top of them.

"What the fuck is wrong with you" Niko and Ami said not being aware of the position they were asleep in. until they saw everyone cracking a smile while staring.

"Whaaaattttttt" he said annoyed. "Nothing" Sharky said quick while the others tried to hide their laugh.

Armani's Pov:

Sunday 09:08

Everyone kept staring at us so I looked at him only to see him already looking at me. Then I looked down at how we were asleep. As soon as we saw that he let go of my leg and I walked upstairs to take a shower and get ready for the day.

After I finished showering I got dressed and went downstairs. Everyone was sitting at the table eating already so I looked around and the only spot free was between Niko and Sharky.

So I sat down and began eating, while the guys were talking about some video they where going to record I think it was try not to move challenge.

"Amiiiiii" "Yes Aj" "Would you like to join our video" I thought about it for a second. "Uhh-" "Pleassseeee so I wouldn't be the only female there" Jada begged. "Alright"

"Yesssss" Jada and Aj said. While I just smiled at them.

After we finished eating everyone went upstairs and got ready. "So is there a dress code or can we dress in whatever we want?" I asked Jada while standing in front of my closet.
"you can dress in whatever you want" "alright btw if u need something just grab it out my closet innit" I told her "thank u" I smiled and got dressed.

I got dressed in a black cargo pants and a yellow with white graphic T-shirt and some black and yellow af1's to match. I went downstairs waiting for Jada and the guys. Soon I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and everyone was ready to go.

Everyone hopped in the car and left to the studio. Niko, chunks, Jada and I were sat in my car and the rest was with Filly. "Can you put in the address" I asked Niko who was sat in the passenger seat next to me.

"Yes sure" he took my phone while doing that his fingers brushed mines giving me a shock.

~time skip at the studio~

"Alright everyone take place on the table so we can start the video" Jada said while talking to the camera crew. Everyone just sat down leaving a space free in between Darkest and Niko. Then Jada explained the purpose of this video and the rules.

As soon as the video began Niko did the intro and then introduced me. "As you guys can see we have a special guest with us today introduce ur self" "Yo its Mani innit" and with that a man and a woman walked in.

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