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"Well I think you would want to sit down before we tell you the news" is what the light skinned man said. "haha no need for that just tell me" I said.

"Ok well........

Armani's Pov:
Monday 07:56 A.M.

"Ok well we got good news for you and bad news which one first?" the light skinned man asked me with a soft voice.

"Doesn't matter just tell me why u here" I said now getting annoyed. "Alright so the bad news is that your step-fathers house was lit on fire because of a gas leak ." The man said taking a little pause to see if everything was alright with me but I remained keeping a straight face on. Cuz I simply don't care

"Him and your mom are in the hospital with a 3th degree burn wound and they got too much smoke in their lungs the chance that they will live is 50/50." I nodded not even changing my facial expression
"Then we have Christal, Amir, Tione, Jayden, Shay and Layla your half sisters and brothers I believe?"
I nodded getting worried when I heard my little siblings names.

"As for the good news Christal, Amir, Tione, Jayden, Shay and Layla are unharmed they just have a little bit of smoke in their lungs "

I let out a sigh or relief I didn't know I was holding. "Where are they now?" I asked the officer ready to go pick them up while their parents where in the hospital fighting for their lives. "They are in the **** hospital" "Alright thank u" "Take care" and with that the officers left.

I ran upstairs and got dressed brushed my teeth and took my keys and ran downstairs. Where I was met with Filly. "Hey where you going?" "My siblings are in the hospital I'll call you" I said while putting on my shoes and ran outside.

I got in my car and sped away. On my way to the hospital I called Filly to inform him about what happened. When I got to the hospital I ran inside to the desk. "Hallo how can I help you?" The woman behind the desk asked me politely. "I'm here for Christal, Amir, Tione, Jayden, Shay and Layla Clemonté" "Can I have your name so I can search you up in the system"

"Armani Barrientos" "Oh you're their older sister am I right" I nodded "Alright they are in room 265" "Alright thank u" And with that I sped walked to the stairs and skipped steps.

I walked to the little store inside the hospital and bought 6 teddy bears and balloons. When I got there I knocked on the door and walked in. My face immediately softened when I saw my siblings. I said "Hey Guysssss" and Christal, Tione, Layla, Shay and Jayden said "Armaniii" while Amir said "Mamaaaa"

You see Amir is the youngest. He is 2 years old he didn't know better I'm the only female figure in the kids life I knew the kids looked up at me as their role model. To be honest I always took care of them like they where my own and so did Jakeem and Rico. We got them clothes, shoes and all the other stuff they needed.

The only thing is their father only allowed Christal to come visit me and sleep over. That's also the reason why she was the only one with a room in my house I let her pick everything out and place it like she wanted to. But as soon as I get the kids home I will let them choose the rooms they want and then take them shopping for their rooms.

I walked over to their beds and hugged all of them and gave them their teddy bears. "Hey sweetie's how are yall doing?" I said while gathering their stuff around and putting it in bags to take them with me home.

"We missed you" Tione said "I missed you guys too, but good thing is you guys are gonna stay with me for a little while" "Really" they asked me all happy.

"Yess and we are gonna shop, eat a lot of ice cream and do a lot of fun stuff yeah?" I said and saw a big smile on their faces. "Yesssss" "Alright little guys imma look for your doctors and ask when I can take you home alright?" they nodded and with that I pressed the red button.

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