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Didn't  prove read this!

Nobody's Pov:

After Armani left the squad and Sharita began getting ready and drove to the arena, where they would surprise her. Seeing as David had arranged front row seats for them and backstage cards so they could meet her there.

Armani's Pov:

After a good hour I finally arrived at the arena. It was already 6P.M. which means I have to enter the ring in 2 hours. Apparently my match is the top match of the night. I waited in the car until David came to get me.

He knocked on my window and I got out I got my bag and headed inside were I was met with a lot of paparazzi. I really hate these people.

David and a couple security guards escorted me to my changing room. David waited outside so I could change in my training garments. I tied a scar on my head so my braids wouldn't be all frizzy before I actually enter the ring.

After I finished I hid my gun in my bag and walked too David. He nodded at me and walked to the training section. David gave me a couple exercises and said he had to arrange a couple things.

I did all the exercises and took a little water break. Before I knew it David came back and told me to get ready for the match. It was 7:30P.M. what means I have exactly 30 minutes to get ready.

I did the drug test before I began training and it was negative which means I can play the match.

I arrived at my changing room and dressed in my fighting garments which contains. Red with black and silver short and crop top and a black shirt. My name is written in silver on the back of the shirt.

I untied the scarf from my head. I heard a knock on the door and soon after David entered the changing room. I bandaged my hands and David helped me with my gloves which were also Red, silver and black.

"Are you ready?" David asked me.

"Duhh" I said and David just chuckled.

"Alright we have 15 minutes until u gotta get up there, Before that I have a surprise for you and then there are some camera people who will follow you to the big entrance and then they will let you walk down to the ring"


"Okey about the surprise"


"GUYS COME IN" he yelled. Causing the squad and Sharita to walk in.

"Huh I thought u guys weren't coming?"

"Yeah we wanted to surprise u so we called David yesterday after you went to bed and asked him if he could arrange us some front row seats" Filly said.

"haha thank u guys" Sharita had announced that she would be there as assistant supervisor.

they all nodded we talked a bit until David told us the camera men would come in a minute.

"Guys before you go I may or may not have a surprise for Filly but you gotta go you will find out what the surprise is later" they nodded and left. David helped me with my robe which was guess what. Also red silver and black.

After I finished the camera men came in and followed me out to the entrance. Short after the announcer announced me.


As soon as the announcer announced me 100 Bags Freestyle by Yung Filly started playing I smirked and walked towards the ring. I throwed a couple air punches and entered the ring were I greeted everyone. Filly had a big smile on his face which made my chuckle.

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