3. Return to Cerro Gordo

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All I heard was someone yelling outside the car. I took out my earbuds and sat up blinking a lot. It was bright as fuck outside. Nate and Alex were sitting in front of me in the bucket seats.

"Is he being stupid?" I grumbled. Nate turned and gave me a smile.

"Yes," He got out going to help Colby with gas I guess. Sam got in the passenger side smiling at me.

"Lily!" He cheered and I grimaced.

"Sam," I matched his energy even though I was still tired. I just woke up from the road trip nap. They are oddly the best sleep I will ever get.

"Why do I feel like you kidnapped her?" Alex asked.

"He did," I threw the blanket off me realizing someone's stuff was next to me. Was someone sitting next to me this whole time?

"Did not, she came voluntarily." He laughed. "Do you need water or Advil yet?" He asked as the other two got back in the car. Oh, he remembered.

I was drinking last night with Kat and it went a little far. I woke up sleeping on a pool floaty and it passed out on the concrete next to the pool. We got scolded when the boys found us. They reminded me that I was supposed to go on a trip with them, I slept on the way to pick up Justin, Nate, and Alex.

"She's awake!" Colby smiled and I gave him a weak smile.

"Yeah, I need Advil if we are going to yell." I laughed leaning forward as Sam gave me water and drugs.

"Dude, is that a bull over there?" Justin said coming up to the window. I watched as all the boys slid out and then Nate leaned back in.

"You coming?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah sorry," I slid out of the SUV and shut the door following after the boys.

"So how drunk did you get?" Nate asked leaning towards me a bit.

"Just a little," I held up my finger and thumb with a small space.

"Lily, do you think you can ride this?" Colby asked pointing to the bull. He had the camera pointed at it.

"Uh, no. I think he likes you too much," I laughed seeing the bull charge him.

"Dude I thought we were friends!" Colby yelled jumping from the railing.

"Let's get going before Colby gets eaten," Justin laughed. "What's up with you?" I realized he was looking at me.

"She had a rough night," Colby laughed shoving me a bit. I stumbled sideways into Nate a bit, but he stood me by putting his hands on my arms gently.

"I did not, I don't throw up unlike some people," I shot a glare at Colby as he walked back to the car.

"We are going to have so much fun." Sam smiled at all of us. We all piled back into the SUV heading in the direction they thought was right. If we get lost I will just sleep while they figure it out.

"So what's the plan?" Nate asked. Now he was sitting next to me in the back since Justin and Alex were sitting in the bucket seats.

"We are searching for denim," I smiled.

"Oh, what?" Alex asked.

"It's a long story, we will tell you when we get there," Sam explained. I leaned forward looking out through the front window.

"We are so going to die." I saw the hills.

"Well, Colby is driving, so yeah," Nate added and I laughed. We were getting towards the narrow part of the road. I watched this video so I kind of knew what to expect. Everyone was yelling as Colby drove down the road, eventually though we saw Brent appear on his dirt bike.

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