19. Orphanage

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I was going back to visit Ms. Bowers and the girls. It was supposed to be a week trip, but I shortened it to a few days so that I could come back and relax with Nate until we had to go for another video. I practically lived at Nate's apartment now. He didn't mind. He actually told me I could just move in, but I said no because I don't want to encroach on his space, but I still live there. Nate wanted to come with me, we don't like being without each other for long, but I think this will be good. We can't just be together always, but I would like to stay close to him. The halfway home was in Oregon. So it was a short plane ride.

Standing outside of this house was an odd feeling. It didn't feel like home anymore. Although it was for a time. It was more of the people. I don't have fond memories of being an orphan other than this place. Suddenly the door opened.

"Well isn't this a surprise?" Ms. Bowers said standing at the door.

"Hello Ms. Bowers," She waved her hand taking my bags.

"Oh just call me Jane." She said.

"Sorry Jane, but you are not taking my bags," I told her. "You do too much." She closed the door behind me.

"Girls!" She yelled up the stairs.

"How many are here still?" I asked her. She smiled.

"Only six thankfully, I don't know if I could handle many more." She sighed. Her hair was starting to grey, but not too bad. She looked in great condition for being sixty. I heard laughter as the girls came running down the stairs. Three girls younger than 5 came down first and then the teenagers.

"Girls," Jane said gesturing to me. "This is-"

"Lily," One of the teenage girls says. "I watch Sam and Colby. I love their videos." A girl with red hair said.

"Also you and Nate are so adorable. I want to eventually find a love like that." I laughed tucking my hair behind my ears.

"Well thank you and maybe I can talk them into coming to Oregon for a video and they can stop by," I added, but not promised. I didn't know.

"Introduce yourself, girls," Jane said and they all listened.

"My name is Amy," The redhead said.

"Christine, but you can call me Chris." A dark-haired girl said.

"My name is Mia." The last teenager waved and then the smaller girls started jumping up and down coming toward me.

"Gabby." A girl said she was missing some teeth.

"Ellie." A girl with really blonde hair said and then another girl just stood there with her arms up. She was like two or three. I laughed picking her up.

"And what is your name?" I asked her. She put her hands on my cheeks squeezing lightly.

"My name is Natalie." She whispered.

"She is shy," Amy said grinning as the girl hugged me. It was late so I was surprised they were all awake.

"Well, you all can talk more in the morning," Jane said. "Lily you are in the room next to Natalie." She explained. I nodded feeling the girl's arms wrap around my neck.

"Alright, let's go." I smiled grabbing my bag and letting the girls go first. I saw their names don't the rooms as I walked down the halls. I opened the last door and set my bag down. I felt my phone buzzing and sat down. Natalie was small enough that I could move with her still in my arms. Nate was face-timing me. Probably trying to make sure I got here. I set up the phone and answered. His smiling face appeared don't the screen. I waved.

"Lily you didn't tell me we were expecting," Nate whispered jokingly.

"Natalie," I whispered in her ear. "Would you like to meet someone?" I asked and she leaned back nodding. I turned on the bed letting her turn in my lap. "That is my boyfriend Nate," I told her. She gave him a big smile.

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