26. Crescent Hotel

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The door swung open exposing the empty room. The only thing was the fan and the light.

"Okay so I saw someone over by the light, they were most likely standing on the table because it looked like they were trying to see what we were doing," I said moving into the room slowly and shutting the door. "I should really learn not to go off alone anymore, but ya know." I laughed nervously. I turned seeing the bathroom door was shut. "I don't think I closed that." I quickly opened the door. "You know in horror movies when people slowly open doors, yeah fuck that. I want to know what's in the room now, not wait until it hits me in the head." I moved into the bathroom checking behind the curtain. I paused hearing loud steps in the main room. I looked at the camera. "What the fuck." I mouthed slowly looking out. "Hello?" I called coming into the main room. "I am not yelling his name because I don't want him in here," I muttered looking around once more. I heard a loud thud from behind me, but nothing was there. I saw the closet door was open near the corner. A person peaking out from it. "I highly doubt you can see this, but someone is looking at me from inside that closet." I pointed to the head. It crept back into the closet. "Why are you in our room?" I asked.

"Mine." It hissed.

"We are staying in here for tonight," I explained stepping forward. "Can we at least have this tonight?" I asked.

"Mine!" It shrieked and something fell over in the closet. I grabbed the edge of the door opening it, but nothing was in there.

"I feel fucking insane," I said to myself closing the door.

"Get out," Something grumbled behind me.

"I can't do that," I said slowly turning around. The bathroom was dark now. I could only see the outline of the person. "What is your name?" I asked. "God I am going to hate myself. Are you Michael?" I asked.


"Why do you want this room then Michael?" I asked slowly moving towards the bathroom. He didn't answer though. "Michael?" I asked opening the door, but he wasn't in there anymore. I heard the sound of the door hitting the wall and turned to see the room door was wide open.

"I am losing my shit." I breathed. I turned the camera back to face me. "Nate if you are watching this, I wouldn't marry me either." I sighed. Just then my phone went off, I pulled it out laughing. "Hey look." I showed the camera. 

"Hey." I smiled at the phone as I walked towards the door.

"Did you just call me?" Nate asked. I furrowed my brows closing the door.

"No?" I said locking it.

"Oh, it said I missed a call from you." He said.

"Oh I'm sorry, I guess I could have like butt-dialed you or something. I was running around." I laughed looking down the hallway.

"Where are you again?" He asked.

"Crescent Hotel," I told him. I watched as someone walked around the corner and down the hall. The man stopped when I started walking and turned to me.

"Oh, how is that going?" He asked.

"Uh," I paused seeing him watch me. "Honestly still trying to get used to seeing people," I whispered.

"Why are you whispering Lil?" Nate asked.

"Cause something is in the hallway with me," I whispered as I stepped forward once more, the spirit facing me completely. "Do you think they run?" I asked.

"I don't know, but be careful Lily," Nate warned.

"Always am, I will call you later okay?" I said holding eye contact with the spirit.

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