10. Haunted Prison Cell

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"Wait so does anyone know where we are going?" I asked as we all walked to the car. Roxanne shrugged.

"I know the relative location, but it's rough." She admitted. She lived here and didn't even know.

"I got it," Nate said whipping out the map he got from a woman we met earlier today that was telling us the history of this place. We unfolded it and saw that it wasn't a real map. It didn't have exact points it was more for show.

"Wow, so I think the prison is there," Sam said pointing to the very large section far away from us.

"That's accurate," Colby nodded. 

"Don't worry guys I have coordinates," Justin assured us. Well at least one of us was smart. 

"Alrighty then let's go, so we don't get stuck past curfew," Sam added. Once we all go in they explained how there was a curfew around here and the last time Roxanne was out past curfew she was almost thrown in jail. This wasn't heavily guarded, but we were on a time crunch with this trip too. 

We were halfway to the general location and we all realized none of us brought our phones. So we couldn't put in the coordinates. 

"I love how smart we all are," I laughed and Nate tightened his grip on my waist. I turned slightly smiling at him. If we got pulled over past curfew. Roxanne wouldn't just get in trouble for us being out past curfew, she would also get into trouble for having too many people in the car.

"So where should we go?" Sam asked. "We don't have any directions." Nate pulled out the map.

"Nate, no one wants to look at your gift shop map," He leaned back and I gave him a smile taking the map in my hands as I looked at the cover detail. 

"Actually we could probably use the map at this point," Roxanne added and Nate made a face at Sam as I unfolded the map.

"Gift shop map," He mumbled helping me unfold it. We got to a general area that Roxanne thinks she finds familiar. 

"So are we supposed to go left or right here?" Sam asked.

"Let's go right," She added, and we went down the narrow road.  Honestly don't know how we ended up hiking in the woods, but we are hiking in the woods. I stayed back with Roxanne and Justin while the others went to look for the spot. They were nice enough to not make us walk all the way with them just in case they don't find anything and unfortunately for them. They didn't find anything.

"Dude you're sweating so bad," Justin said shining the camera light on Colby. He was sweating down the knees and crotch area. I grabbed his shoulders turning him around.

"Swamp ass," I teased and he covered his butt.

"Let's go, I think we should have gone left instead of right," Nate added gently moving us toward the path once again. When we got back to the car we were driving with the window down and I was now in the middle so that the branches wouldn't hit me. Funny enough one totally bitch slapped Sam across the face.

"That branch just bitch slapped Sam," Nate laughed leaning me to one side so I wouldn't get hit. It was cute. I grabbed his hands since they were resting on my hips and brought them around my waist so I could play with his hands since I was bored as we tried to find the prison. 

Finally, though we made it through the jungle section to an abandoned building.

"I think this is it," Roxanne added putting the car in park.

"Okay, we have an hour," Sam added.

"To go in and get back to the hotel before curfew," Roxanne said moving past the car. Colby and Sam got out. I slid off Nate getting out of the car. He moved out on my side staying close to me so the boys couldn't see what the car ride had done to him. I laughed slightly as I took his hands leading him forward. 

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