27. Goat Man's Bridge

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We had to bring Celina to the airport in the morning because she was so sick. We felt back, but she needed to go home. So after that, we went to interview a woman who has written a book on goat man's bridge and she has been involved with tours and such for years. It was not the most pleasant interview of my life. She pretty much told us that it was going to be rough for Kris and me. Also that we shouldn't touch this tree and it was going to be a rough night. Then we met David and Alice once again. They were going to walk us through the trail to show us a few specific spots. I got bad vibes as soon as we pulled up. Although Alice makes everything better. We got ready and started our hike. Sam found a frog of course it pissed on him. When we finally made it to the bridge David told us about how kids would come on Halloween.

"On the actual bridge?" Sam asked spinning around.

"Yes," David nodded.

"I would have been that kid," I whispered.

"I fucked your mom, shitlips," Colby laughed, "Romans 12:24!" He laughed harder.

"Yes, I do remember that in the bible," Kris laughed.

"There are usually peniss' all over this bridge," David shrugged.

"Gross!" Colby spat.

"I bet if I had spray paint right now, you would paint one." I shook my head as he smiled at me.

"There is a lot of satanic activity under the bridge. That's if yall are brave, I'm not going down there." David shook his head.

"Oh, we're brave," Kris threw her arm around my shoulders.

"We are, they aren't," I said pointing at the boys.

"We are gonna go down this trail. You might feel something grab you." David informed us.

"What the fuck?" I cried into Kris's shoulder.

"Have you felt something grab you before?" Sam asked him.


"Have you seen the goat man?" Colby asked stepping into the light of the camera. 

"I have seen red eyes, but I have not seen him myself." David shook his head trying to get Alice's leash shorter so she was closer to him. We walked towards a tree that had spray paint all over it.

"We were told about a portal?" Sam brought it up.

"This is probably it," David said pointing to it. "This is the only tree I know of."

"It's around the corner from the bridge," Kris scratched the top of her head.

"Yeah, he just said this is where the candles and stuff would be," Sam said gesturing to the tree.

"Does it look like a portal to hell, to you?" I asked Colby and he shrugged.

"Yeah, so don't touch it," Kris said.

"Did you just go up and touch that?" Sam asked us. We both shook our heads.

"No," Colby said as we all moved forward. I was in front of Colby walking past the tree. It didn't look super bad. Colby shoved me into the tree. I turned around throwing my hands in the air at him.

"Are you kidding?" I asked.

"Did you just fucking touch the tree?" He whispered.

"You shoved me into the tree," I whisper and yelled at him. He shook his head.

"Lily, I promise you I didn't shove you into the tree. I have everything on video." Colby explained. I looked at the tree and then around me.

"Colby," I said with wide eyes.

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