Enchanting Grom Fright

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I sat outside, practicing my fiddle while carving a few designs into it as well. The herbal moon William gave me a while back has been blooming nicely.

Suddenly my phone buzzed. I took it and looked at my messages.

Vet Mama❤️

How is camp? I hope you're having a wonderful time!

Lover Of Wolves

Having a great time! Hopefully they're not overworking you!

Vet Mama❤️

*picture sent*
Enjoying your favorite show!

Lover Of Wolves

Aww! Don't spoil it for me!

Vet Mama❤️

I won't. I have a surprise for you when you come back! I think you'll love it!

Lover Of Wolves

Can't wait!

I looked up from my phone with a content smile. I hate lying to her but what am I supposed to say? I looked at the time before sprinting up.

"It's already eight am?! Son of a titan!" I yelled and grabbed my bag before running to get to school.


When I got to Hexside I noticed faculty and students hanging up decorations. All were a nice gold yellow color with balloons made of abominations and the baby class teacher stringing webs together.

I looked up at a banner that read "GROM" "Grom? Isn't that the dance Isaac and Alister talked to me about?"

"It is! You already know what it's about though, so I'll just leave you to your thoughts." Isaac said walking up to me.

"So how are you feeling? Since the whole memory thing?" I asked and he shrugged. "I feel normal, I feel better mentally at least."

Then Alister walked up to us and accidentally bumped into Isaac. "Watch it! Oh, hey Isaac, Ember. Um, how are things?"

"I'm excited for the dance. You know, Luz got us kicked out of our last school dance for dressing like an otter. Maybe here I can enjoy the dance." I said smiling at the memory.

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