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"Alright, that's enough story time for tonight

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"Alright, that's enough story time for tonight."

"Awww!" The three small kids whined.

"Shhh. Don't wake up the little moon."

"Can't you tell us more?!" The small girl whisper asked. "Yeah! Please, Uncle?" One of the little boys begged.

"Not tonight. Your parents will have my head if you're up even later."

"I like the part where Ember met the guard in gold. At the Covention." The little girl said. "Oh! What about how Luz disguised herself as an abomination?" The other little boy whispered excitedly.

"Nuh uh! The best part was when Luz took on the Bat Queen!" The other boy said as the three of them climbed into their beds.

"Alright, alright. Bedtime now little Star Stringers."

"Night Uncle!" The three said as he turned off the light and closed the door but not before making an illusion of the constellations float around the room.

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