Wing It Like Witches

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Eda and I flew to Hexside dropping off Ember and Luz at school. "Our first Grudgby season! I'm so excited I have more spirit than the school spirits!" Luz exclaimed.

Ember laughed as she walked up to Luz. "Grudgby season is the best. You know I used to play back in my gory days." Eda said.

"You mean glory days?" Luz asked. "Eh that too. I was unstoppable on the field, I had the best moves and the best cheats." Eda said.

"Cheating isn't anything to brag about. How do you know you were any good if all you did was cheat your way to victory?" Luz said.

"Eh what do you humans know with your goody goody attitude? If cheaters never prosper, why was I the star player?" Eda asked. "Did you play any sports, Judah?" Ember asked me.

"Hah! Of course I did. I just so happened to be captain of the Flyer Derby team." I said smugly. "Flyer Derby? You'll have to tell me more after school." She said.

Luz gave King to Eda who climbed into her hair. "Ugh, Eda. When was the last time you cleaned up in here?" King asked as he threw a bag of garlic rings out of her hair and a mouse.

"All this talk of Grudgby has me feeling nostalgic. What do you say you and me take a trip down memory lane?" Eda asked King and I.

"Hard pass." King said sinking into her hair. "Why not?" I told her. "That's the spirit! Come on!" Eda said and we flew off.


The school day seemed to linger on and on. Was it something to do with Grudgby? I've been hearing how annoying Boscha is this time of year from Isaac.

I walked out of school sxpecting to see Luz waiting for me but didn't see anything. I waited for a good while but didn't see anything until my phone buzzed.

Good Witch Luzura

Challenged Boscha to Grudgby for Willow! Need help!!!😭😰😨

Silver History Junkie

YOU DID WHAT?!?!?!?!


"And here's where took down Epiderm High in the Semi Finals." Eda said pointing to a picture of her holding a big trophy. "Oh I was the youngest on the team but I had what some call star power."

"Aka. This!" Eda said showing King her box of rad cheats. I laughed and looked at a picture where my team and I took down Glandus.

I looked at a picture of William and I, arms linked as our team cheered in the background. Then Hooty burst through the door.

"Hoot hoot! Guess who found a special friend in the forest?! It was me! Hoot hoot!" Hooty said dragging in and letting Lilith onto the floor.


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