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Everyone was exhausted from covering up the whole president's fiasco so they decided to let loose. Break a few things and the usual. Y/n hadn't really done much considering she was new and really wasn't assigned to do anything. She wasn't even there when the whole president thing went down. At first, she decided to just sit back in her chair and observed until Andre made his way over. She was eating a bag of gummy worms and Andre snatched it out of her hands throwing it to the side.

"I was eating those," she glared and he laughed.

"Come on Y/n! Let loose!" Andre shook her shoulders.

"Yeah break shit or something!" Myc yelled.

"Yeah girl, we practically have all the money in the world!" Gigi joined in and Y/n stood up walking over to the water cooler. Everyone watched in anticipation as she walked over to the water cooler and pushed it over.

"You guys happy?" Y/n crossed her arms.

"You're pathetic," Myc responded.

"Okay, what did you expect me to do? It's not like I was going to get Glenn to balance an apple on his head while I shot it off with a bow and arrow-" Y/n started to complain. Everyone gave each other a glance and minutes later Y/n stood on top of a stool with an arrow in her hands. Glen stood on the other side of the room with an apple balanced on top of his head.

"Y/n I swear to god if you miss and shoot me I'll-" Glenn started but was interrupted.

"If you keep complaining I'm going to miss and shoot you on purpose," she calmly stated as she lined the arrow up. "Don't move and you don't get hit."

"Shoot Shoot Shoot Shoot!" Andre, Gigi, and Myc cheered as Y/n pulled the bow back. She let go and the bow snapped rocketing the arrow through the air. It pierced through the center of the apple perfectly as Glenn flinched. Then just to fuck with him Y/n quickly shot another arrow at him missing him by an inch.

"Oops sorry, my finger slipped," Y/n threw the arrow to the side and Glenn glared.

"I SAW YOU TAKE THE SECOND ARROW OUT YOU COCKY-" he started to yell but stopped when she raised an eyebrow. Everyone continued to mess around as Reagan and Brett made their way to the war room. After opening the doors they were greeted by Andre swinging a bat at the globe, which shot across the room to Glen, who dunked the globe. Gigi was shooting Glenn with a paintball gun and Y/n and Myc were shooting lasers at each other.

"What the hell this place is a mess!" Reagan's eyes widened in shock.

"Rea-dog, cut them some slack we almost got nuked," Brett spoke up. This led to everyone talking about what they had to do to cover the situation up which led to Reagan asking how the damage would be paid for.

"Relax we have more money than god," Myc chuckled handing Reagan a bat and the globe.

"Yeah. What's the point of unchecked power if we don't abuse it!" Reagan threw the ball up in the air hitting it at the big screen. Just before it connected with the screen J.R. popped up.

"We're out of money!" He yelled in distress as the screen broke. Everyone stared at each other in silence for a couple of sentences before going back to their days.

Soon enough it was lunch and everyone was gathered in the food court, except Reagan and Brett. "So Y/n what brings you to Cognito?" Gigi asked.

"J.R. said he thought it would be useful to have like a detective on the team. He said he wanted somebody who could solve things fast. He also told me he'd want me to go like uncover and like discover people going against Cognito. J.R. also told me there are some cold cases he thinks I'd be able to crack," Y/n shrugged. "He's been trying to convince me to join for a while now."

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