The Swap

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Y/n was sitting in her chair in the war room watching her show. She wasn't really paying attention to anything else besides it. Suddenly, and rather violently, Y/n shrieked throwing her phone at the wall. She rested her head on the table in defeat as everyone just stared at her.

"Are you okay?" Reagan turned to face her.

"No! My favorite character in walking dead just died! I can't live like this!" Y/n lifted her head only to slam it into the table again. Andre patted her back in a comforting way.

"Y/n it's not real. Get over it," Glenn looked at her.

"It was real to me," she whined, lifting her head when J.R. popped up on the big screen. He had purchased the right swipe and Cognito now had control over the app, which they would use for blackmail purposes.

"Oh my god it's every profile in DC," Andre looked around, "Including Myc's? Huh, Mold diggers swipe left."

"Andre identifies as alwayssexual?" Brett looked up at the screen.

"Suprise, Suprise. It says Gigi's attracted to power," Reagan pointed at Gigi's profile.

"Power is attracted to me, honey," Gigi rolled her eyes.

"Dayum Y/n look at you! Why does your bio say Fuck off Jerry though? Who's Jerry?" Myc pointed out her account.

"Toxic ex, he's a stalker too. Dudes so desperate he keeps making fake accounts to follow me on," Y/n shivered. Her phone which she assumed would have been broken suddenly started ringing and she got up walking over to it. After picking it up she threw it as hard as she could against the other wall. "It's fucking Jerry! He found my new number!" Y/n panicked running out of the room in a hurry and everyone went back to the topic on hand.

It was the next day and Y/n had found herself sitting at a table with Gigi and Myc taking bets. There was a huge crowd that Glenn had managed to push his way through. "What are you guys betting on now?" He asked.

"It turns out right swipe keeps an attractiveness score for every user. Bretts a perfect ten," Gigi replied.

"It's an honor just to be objectified," Brett smiled taking some of the money on the table.

"Oh and N/n did you know you're a 9!" Gigi turned to face Y/n and Y/n's eyebrows raised in shock.

"Are you sure that's right?" Y/n questioned.

"Of course it's right," Myc wrapped a tentacle around Y/n and she pushed it off glaring.

"What am I?! Wait don't tell me," Glenn called out as Gigi scanned his face. "A goddamn zero!? How's that even possible? It's on a one to ten scale!"

"Those numbers don't mean anything. It's about what's in your heart," Brett tried to comfort Glenn.

"Says you Hemsworth! If I could coast on my looks like you, I'd be on easy street."

"Gigi, you don't think people just like me for my looks, do you?" Brett frowned.

"Sweetie, don't frown. It ruins the part of you that people like," Gigi responded causing Brett to frown.

"Ever since I merged my DNA with a dolphin, my life has been shit! When I try to unlock my phone with my face, it sends out an amber alert," Glenn grabbed onto Brett shaking him. "I bet if you had to live a week with this mug, you'd be begging me to switch back!" Glenn yelled as Y/n, Gigi, and Myc gave each other a look.

"We'll take that action!" The three yelled in unison.

Everyone was gathered in the surgery room including Andre this time. Brett and Glenn laid on the tables as Gigi spoke up. "Ya'll are about to swap faces. The first man to ask for their face back loses. Any questions?"

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