It's a roast dawg.

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"Myc! Your attitude blew our mission! We had to disappear a security guard!" Reagan yelled.

"And now I have to raise his tropical fish?" Brett looked around

"Give me one reason I shouldn't fire you!"

"I- I... Oh, God!" Myc started sobbing and everyone gasped.

"Okay. I was not ready for that."

"Whoa, Whoa, buddy what's wrong??" Brett walked over.

"I just got an invitation to my 5000th hive school reunion! I'm from a million-year-old mushroom hive cluster living in the center of the Earth. Those stuck-up, under-crust douchebags live in perfect harmony. They kicked me out because I'm too much of a rebel," Myc wiped away his tears.

"You told me you left because everybody was jealous of your huge dong." Reagan frowned.

"All lies! My dong is average! I never even got yearbook signatures!"

"So you're acting up because of your reunion?"

"How can I go back?? When I left, I wanted to prove I could be somebody, but I'm a single, middle-aged loser playing second fiddle to a bunch of Men in Black rejects."

"Why don't you just lie? My hometown thinks I created Grey's Anatomy," Gigi spoke.

"I'll still be single!" Myc pointed out, "In hive culture, you are nothing without a cluster."

"How about we go to your reunion and pose as your cluster!" Brett suggested causing everyone else to groan. "Also what is a cluster."

"It's some kind of freaky mushroom mind marriage," Glenn frowned.

"Like hell, I'd want to be married to that thing," Y/n pointed at Myc.

"Watch it tuts!" Myc yelled.

"It's a psychic union, where everyone thinks the same and acts the same, like fucking Marvel fans," Gigi spoke causing Y/n to avoid eye contact. Reagan quickly pulled them all into a group huddle.

"Listen I don't an to do this any more than you do, but with Myc in this state, we'll never be able o complete our missions. Look at him! He can't make Mind Eraser Juice like this. We can also stop at the Cracker Barrel on the way home," Reagan spoke.

"Now I can get down with some Cracker Barrel," Gigi nodded.

"Hell yeah," Yn smirked.

"Okay Myc, we'll pretend to be your cluster, if you promise to never insult us again," Reagan proposed causing everyone to gasp.

"My insults are my art! But I can't let those shitheads in my hive see me like this...Okay, deal," Myc shook Reagan's hand.

"Fuck! What are you excreting???"

Arriving at the site Reagan started to lay down the law. "Gear up! It's a six-mile spelunk down to Myc's hive. If we go too deep we'll hit talking Dinosaurs-" Y/n stopped paying attention and turned to Andre.

"You think they'd notice if I ditched to see the Dinoaurs??"

"Yeah. Duh."

"But I really really want to see talking Dinosaurs!" Y/n looked at the entrance.

"How about we head to that Dinosaur exhibit in town sometime this week?"

"Are you asking me on a date???" Y/n grinned.

"Shut up."

Everyone gathered on the lift and Myc started talking. "We're almost to my hive school. Remember the story."

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