Dreading this Wedding

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Okay, I'm not one to usually put videos in my stories but I feel like this was necessary.

Y/n stood in her apartment getting ready for Reagan's mom's wedding. She was sort of confused about why she was invited due to never meeting Reagan's mom, however, the rest of the gang would be there. Y/n had on a lavender floral pattern dress, she threw on a handbag and went to meet up with everyone. After arriving on the ship Glenn ended up throwing all of Andre's drugs overboard.

"Protocol is Protocol," Glenn shrugged.

"Uh, no worries," Andre looked around nervously. "I am as fun clean as I am wasted. Just a little different."

"Huh, I've never seen you sober," Myc laughed. "This could be interesting."

"Y/n I need to check your bag," Glenn turned to face her.

"What why???" Sweat dripped down her face.

"My dolphin senses are tingling. If you got nothing to hide, You'll hand over the bag."

"Well, I've got noth- HEY!" Y/n yelled as Glenn pulled out a container.

"Lookie here, you got drugs too," he looked into the container.

"Glenn please I need those! Do not throw them overboard or I'll absolutely lose my sh- GLENN!" He tossed them overboard and Y/n attempted to dive into the ocean after them only to be pulled back.

"Sorry but if Andre can't have his drugs, neither can you," Glenn shrugged.

"Glenn it was a medication!"

"Still drugs," he crossed his arms.

"Oh god oh god," Y/n twitched a bit.

"Y/n out of everyone here I wouldn't have expected you to ever sneak drugs on here," Myc said.

"It's for health problems! Its effects are already wearing off too! Oh god!" Y/n looked around paranoid. She then screamed randomly jumping backward, and almost falling off the boat. Myc thankfully had caught her pulling her back onto her feet as Gigi cautiously wrapped an arm around Y/n.

"Guys this is gonna be interesting!" Andre shouted running towards a balloon and taking in the helium.

"Put the Helium down!" Gigi scolded as she grabbed Y/n's hand pulling her away with Andre.

The four of them headed towards the ceremony area and Andre paced back and forth while Gigi and Myc sat in chairs and Y/n laid on the ground coloring a kid's menu from the venue.

"Okay, I survived being raised by hardcore Christians, I can handle sobriety," Andre finally sat down.

"Hey, guys look I drew all of us!" Y/n raised the menu showing a fairly realistic drawing of all of them holding hands.

"Is this a threat? I don't know how to feel about this?" Myc asked.

"It looks good Y/n!" Andre smiled.

"Thank you!" Y/n smiled before snapping her head to the right, "Shut up Paul!" Y/n yelled.

"You guys are seeing this too right? Nobody is actually there right???" Gigi questioned.

"Did I tell you guys about my RPG tournament in high school?" Andre interrupted.

"We know! You're the only person who tells the same bad story over and over again when they're not drunk," Myc complained.

"When I'm sober my anxiety flares up. Shit! Piss! Boob! Y/n and Gigi you both look stunning!" Andre smashed a glass.

"The fuck!!?" Gigi stood up.

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