Fruit Ninja

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Everyone was sitting in the conference room minding their own business when the P.R. alarm went off everyone started to freak out and eventually J.R. came storming in. Apparently, he had offended the reptoids in an email and everyone would need to kiss their ass at the upcoming gala. Y/n kind of zoned out after his little speech looking at the celebrity who were actually reptoids displayed everywhere. Y/n snapped back into reality when everyone collectively groaned. Everyone got up and walked towards the exit and Y/n just followed. She wasn't sure where they were going but didn't really care. Eventually, they gathered in Inhuman Resources to learn how to interact with the Reptoids. Mr. Mothman then started a lecture on reptoids and the many do's and don'ts while Y/n struggled to stay still. After about a minute she ended up sitting upside down on her chair while paying attention to the lesson. She liked to think she was paying attention however in all reality she was trying to make it look like she was "walking on the ceiling." It wasn't long before Andre and Myc got off track and were kicked out leaving the remaining 5. For the final practice, Mothman planned to make everyone hug Brett in a lizard onesie. As he walked over to Glenn Y/n turned to Reagan.

"You okay Reag?" Y/n noticed the fear on Reagan's face.

"Yeah, I'm doing just great!" Reagan smiled sarcastically.

"It's just a hug. I mean I don't really like them all much either but I mean if it can get us the contract," Y/n shrugged.

"You don't like hugging?"

"Nope," Y/n popped the p.

"But you're so-"

"Friendly? Sure, but just because I can be nice doesn't mean I always like physical contact. My family screwed me up man," Y/n sighed turning as Brett approached her. Y/n cautiously and quickly hugged him then stepped out of the way as he headed towards Reagan. Y/n gave Reagan a thumbs up as Reagan punched Brett across the face. Y/n cringed and left to check on a few things in her office.

Y/n stood in her apartment staring at her reflection. She didn't want to overdue but she didn't want to underdress. She settled on a light pink corset dress she had found a couple of weeks ago and she bought it because why not. (Just imagine your own outfit if you don't like this lol.) Y/n turned around to see the whole dress and sighed. She hated dressing up. It took too much effort and she was a lazy person. Heading to Cognito she met up with everyone else and they all entered a Limo. Luckily for her she ended up seated between Myc and Andre.

"Looking good Y/n," Andre pulled his glasses down a bit looking at her outfit.

"Hey Y/n," Myc spoke placing a tentacle on her leg, "Why don't you join me and Andre in-"

"Nope. Nope Nope Nopity Nope Nope," Y/n pushed Myc off of her. "I know you guys are like into that stuff and like- good for you and all. Personally, I'm good and I'll probably hit the snack table or whatever but you two have fun! And you can tell me all about it later... Or never! That's fine too!"

"Hah Andre just got rejected~" Myc taunted.

"How did I get rejected your the one who asked!" Andre leaned over Y/n and hit Myc. The two started arguing and Y/n sighed getting up. "Hey, where are you going?!?"

"Somewhere where I won't get hit... Or hit on," Y/n shrugged walking over to Brett and sitting next to him.

"Hey, Y/n! What brings you over here!?" Brett asked.

"They were annoying me," Y/n pulled out her phone leaning her head on Brett's shoulder. She opened fruit ninja on her phone and started playing. After a few minutes, she looked up at Brett. "Yo Brett wanna hop on Fortnite later?" Y/n seriously asked and he laughed.

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