Time to get serious...

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The morning was calm and quiet until the forsaken alarm started to go off. Bring back Socks and Sandals started blasting throughout the room as Y/n groaned and rolled over onto Andre.

"Oh hey," he opened one eye and she smiled.

"Morning," she stuck out her tongue before rolling off of him and onto the floor. Not even phased by her action he laid still where he was. Normally he'd jump up to make sure she was fine but he was used to her behavior. Y/n crawled along the floor towards the clock and shut it off collapsing to the floor. "Clock 0 - Y/n 19."

"How's that even possible, don't you use a clock like all year round?"

"Last clock was thrown out of the window... I miss that one," Y/n frowned standing up and heading towards the bathroom to take care of business. After getting ready the two made their way to Y/n's truck and made their way to work.

"Okay I gotta go help Gi with-" Andre spoke as they walked in.

"Yurp okay, I have to go um have a chat with Rand," Y/n shrugged and then tensed a bit.

"Wait why?" Andre looked confused.

" Oh uh love you, bye," Y/n kissed him on the cheek and sped away. Approaching the doors to the office Y/n threw them open. "Wasup," she threw gang signs as she approached his desk and sat on it.

"Boi!" Rand responded and Y/n snorted.

"Rand coming in hot with the trending slang! Once again! pow pow pow!" Y/n swung her fists at nobody and he rolled his eyes.

"So I need you to look into a side adventure, involving Hollywood," Rand spoke and Y/n was intrigued.

"What you got for me Uncle Rand," Y/n spoke excitedly.

"Uncle Rand???" He looked around nervously, "Where'd you get that???"

"What? Why are you freaking out?" Y/n drew closer to him and he backed up.

"Next week I'm sending you to Hollywood to do work with Michael Cera."

"THE Michael CERA. My absolute IDOL," Y/n gasped as Rand nodded sighing in relief as she was sidetracked.

Rand turned on the news as another sidetracking opportunity.

"Is that Brett?" Y/n and Rand spoke in unison. As they watched the segment.

"Oh damn! Brett's batshit segment is jet fuel for the propaganda machine. I smell opportunity!" Rand grinned.

"And I smell failure," Y/n spoke, "he can't pull it off."

"What makes you think that?"

"His brothers running," Y/n replied.


"Brett is all about getting acceptance from his family. He would NEVER run against one of them willingly. In the long run, a scheme like this would only break him," Y/n rolled her eyes.

"I think it's worth a shot!"

"And I think you're- no what, never mind," Y/n went silent.

"Let's go talk to Brett!" Rand walked out as Y/n stayed back for a moment.

"Why do you think Rand was acting like that?" J.R. asked as Y/n jumped.

"Bro I had no clue you were here?!?"

"I was here the whole time!"

"Honest to god, I forgot you existed."

"What the actual fuck Y/n. I was your boss!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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