Oui Oui Bagette

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It started as a normal day like usual until J.R. came running into the room.

"Y/n I'm sending you to France!" J.R. threw a file at her and she caught it spinning around in her chair.

"Sweet a murder mystery," she grinned opening the file.

"Yup!!! Somebody needs to go with you though, any volunten-"

"I'll go!" Andre screamed, "I mean like I'll like go. I've always wanted to go to France. Like Bojour and yeah," he awkwardly looked around. Everyone else had a smug look on their face.

"Okay then. You guys will have three days to solve it however if you solve it in two you can have the third day off," J.R. smiled as the two nodded.

"Y/NNNNN WAIT UP!!!!" Andre yelled running to keep up with her as she barreled through the airport.

"I can't help it though!!! I'm too excited!!!" Y/n ran towards their terminal suddenly coming to a stop. "Wanna go get Dunkin," Y/n looked around "or auntie Anne's... Or both!" Y/n turned to him and he shrugged.

"Whatever you want."

"Let's hit both!" Y/n yelled running off. About a half hour later they sat next to each other in the terminal waiting for their flight.

"So Y/N have you ever been to France before?" Andre turned to her.

"Nah, I know the language though! Thankfully we are going to a place with a lot of English speakers but if we need french I'll know it. We should totally go to Paris if we get that extra day off," Y/N's eyes twinkled. "The city of love," Y/n sat back in her chair and he nervously laughed. "Wanna watch Muppets Most Wanted on the plane ride??"

"Of course!!!!"

After boarding the plane they both found their seats and sat down. Andre had noticed how Y/n had gone quite some time without speaking and he turned to her. "Are you okay N/n?"

"Yeah I'm perfectly fine," she stared ahead.

"Hey Y/n there's a giraffe," he spoke.

"Wait really?!?!?" She snapped her head to the side and he noticed her puffy eyes.


"I'm scared of planes," she nervously smiled.

"Really?!? but you seemed fine when we flew to the 80s?!?"

"I trusted Reagan with not crashing the plane..."

After making it to the hotel room they quickly checked in, threw their things in the room, and hurried to the crime scene. As Y/n had met the door she turned around stopping Andre. "Okay, I have a few things to say before we go in. First of all, always be aware. Everyone in that house right now is a suspect. Even I could be a suspect."

"But you're not," Andre looked confused.

"I just need you to think with that mindset. Also, I need you to stay close to me at all times. Don't wander off unless you have a death wish," Y/n gave him a look and he nodded in understanding. "Okay, it is showtime!" Y/n opened the door and walked in, Andre following behind.

"Ah, you must be Detective L/n! I've heard so much about you! We are so honored to have you on the case!" The chief walked up to shake her hand.

"Yup! You can call me Y/n though! No need to be all formal! This right here is Dr. Lee he will be assisting me," Y/n smiled as she noticed the chief's gaze on Andre. "Now may I see the body," Y/n smiled and the Chief jumped.

"Yes of course right this way!" He waved her over to what seemed to be the master bedroom. "Right in there," he pointed to the bathroom and she and Andre headed in. In the bathtub sat the decaying body of poor Mr. Garnier. He had a scratch above his left eye. Y/n pulled out a pair of gloves and slowly pulled his head up a bit, revealing a dent on the back of his head. It appeared to have been smashed against the faucet.

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