7. Not As It Seems

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Waking up the next morning, I heard a piercing noise. The sound poked into me repeatedly, leaving behind a menacing sting. It was like a deafening reminder of what I had to do, and who I had to face, which I believe was the intention.

I groaned instantly at the mention and thought of his name.

Kim Taehyung.

The most infuriating, and disgusting name. He may have been a Gem, and he may have been gorgeous, but that just made everything even more difficult-which in turn enraged me.

I dragged my hands down my face, as my body sat still like stone in my bunk. It was beyond comfortable that I didn't want to leave. The previous bed that I was used to made me grateful, but this cushiony cloud made me want to never return to that ragged dirt mat.

I sighed, as I felt the bed rumble and vibrate, while a figure with long, white hair climbed out of the bed below me.

I rolled my eyes at the loss of privacy here. Being the only human, and having to share a room with other female Gems who likely hated my guts was a death sentence. I wouldn't be surprised if one of them was planning on committing a murder, and hide the evidence. I closed my eyes, and exhaled deeply, reminding myself of my decision and why I was here.

My thoughts were interrupted when my eyes suddenly flashed open, and my body jolted from overhearing a series of hushed whispers from what I assumed was a group of girls.

"Can't you believe it? Why would Mr. Kim of the Order choose a stupid human? Any of us would have been willing to do it," One of them said.

"That's the problem. I think that's why they chose a human, to prevent Mr. Kim from making every girl fall for him. That's why Maria got fired." Another replied sombrely.

They all hummed in agreement, and my eyes narrowed.

"Now we're stuck with her."

I heard their footsteps leave the room, and I rolled my eyes. Taehyung had the ethereal beauty down, but he was an asshole in my eyes, with his arrogance and egotistical lifestyle. He grew up in a mansion, and everyone here praised him. I suppose his arrogance derived from that, along with his inflated ego. Yet it seemed everyone else overlooked it, and were shallower than I anticipated. I gave the girls too much credit; they seemed to be totally oblivious.

I threw my legs over the edge of the bed and climbed down, making sure I didn't slip on any of the steps. I quickly showered, and put on the tight and restricting dress, that I instantly hated ever since I put it on. Finally, I tied my hair back the same as Ms. Jung did yesterday, as I gazed upon myself in the mirror.

Good enough.

Seeing the other girls, I followed them out of the bathroom, biting my tongue to prevent comments from spilling as they gave me dirty looks and giggled.

Eventually we reached a kitchen, where other slaves sat at a large rectangular table and ate breakfast. The kitchen was large, with a bricked fire place on the back wall and a stove on the right side of the entrance. On the other wall was the counter, with a sink, where slaves washed their hands.

No one seemed to realize my presence, being too engaged in their drama and gossip.

I sighed in relief as I made my way over to one seat, and sat down. I tilted my head in confusion upon seeing the food in front of me, a strange white substance with textured lumps. I grimaced at its ugly appearance, noticing the other slaves making disgusted faces as well. I glanced next to me, my eyes glazing over to strange silver utensils.

I looked over at the others, who were using the tools to put the food into their mouth with ease.

Back at home, we ate with our hands, and that was it. Being in a poor town meant riches, and supplies were not a given, nor was it affordable. I stared at the rounded edge of silver, almost glaring at it for being so inconvenient.

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