16. Safe Haven

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Juliana's POV

After a few days, things started to improve...at least physically.

According to the several nurses that accompanied me, they said I wasn't overly injured or broke anything of importance. It was mostly the large gashes and bruises that made me lose a lot of blood, and almost sent me into the arms of death.

But eventually, I was back on my feet again, yet severely penalized for the stunt I pulled with Taehyung at the gala. Ms. Jung was beyond enraged with both of us — particularly at my actions, but she gave me the benefit of the doubt for almost dying.

However, no one else did.

My body may have been back to normal, with a few scars and a small limp, yet mercy from the Gems was thrown out the window. They gave me the dirtiest looks, and fearful glances, clearly assuming I was either responsible for the attack, or that I was involved with the humans.

I knew it was bullshit, but I couldn't help the invasive thoughts saying I deserved the hatred. The bloodshed from yesterday, seeing so many lives I couldn't save reminded me of that day 12 years ago, the helpless feeling that I was too weak to save Hana.

I was a murderer for watching, and doing nothing.

As a result, I became avoidant of everyone, including Ryujin and Lisa. They tried to comfort me, but I dismissed their kindness with a bitter expression, my eyes not even meeting theirs. They were confused, and were worrying about me, but I didn't care. The gala dug up so much of my past, I felt as if I was a walking zombie. 

As I sauntered down the hallway to my next job, eye-bags on display without care, I passed Taehyung who glanced at me for a mere second, before immediately looking away with a blank look laced in his eyes. Taehyung and I seemed to be doing the same thing as of recently; avoiding everyone.

He likely thought I was guilty, creating a recipe for fear — just as the others. I wasn't surprised, although a small part of me wanted him to not let that idea in, especially with the dim memory of when the paramedics took me out of the ballroom. The look in his eyes was so different, I could've sworn it was almost caring and empathetic. 

Clearly I was wrong, for we both ended up not even looking at each other. We passed by each other like mere strangers in the street — barely brushing shoulders and heading to our next part of the day.


As I washed Taehyung's clothing, I looked out the open window as light beamed in through the towels that hung on the thin lines to dry. My thoughts were silent for once when they met the open sky — not one invasive thought. 

All I wanted was freedom, for my whole life. Freedom from the pain that pinned me to my past, and freedom from the prejudice and fight to survive. I wanted to run in a field with no weight on my shoulders, and no guilt that invaded my every choice. 

For once I felt that as I gazed into the puffy clouds that moved across the blue sky.

My body jolted upon hearing a knock from the other side of the room, as my eyes flickered back to the doorway where another Gem stood. His face was round, but his jawline square and strong. His white hair shifted slightly under the blowing wind sweeping through the open window, and his round doe eyes watched me worriedly.

"Ms. Park?" He asked gently, and I nodded when he grabbed my full attention. "I was sent to b-bring you to an Obsidian Meeting."

I frowned with confusion.

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