14. Traitor

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Note⚠️: this chapter contains violence.

Screams of terror echoed through the walls of the abandoned room I stood in.

My breathing grew shallow as the gunshots grew louder, the invaders spreading through the room like a deadly plague—taking down everyone in its path.

I exhaled sharply, as I quickly swung the door open, being met with Gems running rampage in the large room, with men and women holding guns and knives. I gasped, noticing the black hair on each of them, pored tan faces masked and splattered with blood, and black outfits covering their starved bodies. Their desperate eyes watched with numbness as they stabbed, and murdered the Gems vigorously.

They were humans.

This is what Jimin was talking about, what both sides were waiting to happen for hundreds of years, an attack that could determine the future of both Gems and humans. My kind did the thing I least expected: they initiated it.

This explains the intense fear they all felt when I arrived; why Jimin at first was afraid to even look at me and each of them were so nervous.

I watched as one of the humans held a gun to a head of lavender hair, cries and pleads for mercy escaping the Gem's mouth. Before my head could process what was happening, my feet moved toward them, removing the gun from the man's hand, and hitting him in the head hard enough with it to knock him out.

He let out a cry of pain, his body collapsing to the ground. The man's eyes weakly looked back at me in shock and utter disbelief.

"Traitor...배신자." The man whispered, cursing at me a few times. I didn't care, observing his body go limp and eyes closed.

I turned to face the person I saved, my gaze meeting Jimin's scared and mortified expression. "Did you kill him?" His voice cracked with fear.

"I knocked him out—for a while at least," I said firmly looking straight into Jimin's puffy eyes. "You need to get out of here, Jimin. It's not safe."

Jimin nodded before getting up and running away, eyes filling with tears.

My eyes glanced around the room, until I heard a loud yell from behind me. I turned until I felt a hand claw at my leg. I gasped, trying to kick the person's hands away from me. Suddenly, my skin met cold metal, as it dug into my skin and tore through my flesh in an agonizing line.

I screamed in pain as the person ripped the knife from my skin, allowing blood to spill down calf.

"You fucking traitor!" They yelled at me. I didn't even look back, my vision growing hazy and my mind foggy with the pain overtaking me.

My eyes wandered around the room, watching more Gems get brutally murdered and killed. My gazed stopped when I noticed a small black object thrown into the air.


As fast as my legs could take me, I sprinted behind a pillar as a wave of orange entered my vision, and fire bloomed behind me. Loud crashes reverberated through the room, as the fire destroyed part of the building.

A loud piercing ring overtook my hearing as heaps of stone collapsed, the glass chandelier dropping to the ground, and shattering its precious diamonds. I ducked down and covered my head, feeling pieces of stone fall on my neck, and scraping at the skin on my arms.

Eventually, my hearing returned, but instead I was left with hearing cries of pride and joy. Dust and debris entered my nose and I loudly coughed for oxygen, falling to my hands and knees. It felt like my lungs were being squeezed, and I coughed even more to release the restraining pressure.

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