25. Visions

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I didn't know where I was, or how I got there. One moment I was warm and happy, the next, I was isolated and cold — I was beyond confused. The place seemed endless, with no walls or ceiling — like an unescapable abyss. I breathed heavily, as a light fog surrounded my body eerily, almost trapping me there. My eyes flickered everywhere for any source of light to lead the way out, but it was no use.

I called out for Taehyung, my voice echoing through the darkness, sending unsettling chills down my spine.

Where am I?

I didn't like this feeling — it brought back memories I didn't want to think about. I felt panic rise to my throat, and I exhaled deeply to calm myself. When I heard a soft dripping sound I moved towards it slowly, wrapping my arms around my body to shield myself from the cold air.

I got closer and noticed the drips weren't just water but a dark, deep red. A chill ran down my spine watching it fall into a puddle before me.

Then suddenly, I noticed a little flicker of light beside me, and I watched it as a scene appeared before me.

It was of a man with greying, shoulder length hair, and a robe made of cloth. He was painting a picture of a bunch of trees, but they were all on fire. The chaotic expression seemed to heed... death. I gulped nervously, for it reminded me of the painting I saw before the attack at the gala.

It's a warning.

Then, someone entered the room, a woman with white hair like the man, and an appearance so breathtaking, despite the wrinkles around her eyes and face. Her eyes were unlike anything I had ever seen, with several different colours mixed into one iris. They glimmered when she looked at him. "Darling, what have you been working on?" she asked, walking towards him with a soft robe around her body.

"Just a new painting." He replied, smiling warmly at her as his brush stroked the canvas.

The woman smiled, her eyes watching the painting in fascination. "I love your paintings, they seem to tell the most beautiful story." She said.

I tilted my head, listening for more.

That was when I saw a human appear through the door much to the lady's unawareness. The stoic demeanour lacing his features seemed to contradict the menacing glint in his eyes. It felt like memories of living in the town under Onavale were returning, as he held the knife above his head, then stabbing it through the her back.

I gasped in fear as I observed her body collapse to my feet. I watched the old man's face go pale, as he dropped his paint brush. The utter heartbreak in his features was too hard to watch -- I could feel every emotion he felt. That was when the human looked up and I could've sworn he was looking into my soul, for the dangerous look in his eyes felt almost real. 

Finally, the scene faded to a black dust and I was drowned in darkness again. I frowned in confusion as panic rose to my throat all over again — but this time it was much stronger. Then, before I knew it, I felt a familiar sound encompass me. Taehyung's low and soft voice calling my name brought me out of the darkness fully.

"Annie?" he asked desperately, voice laced with concern. "C'mon, wake up please."

My eyes flickered open, and I saw Taehyung's face in front of me. His eyebrows were furrowed with worry, and his eyes showed so much care I didn't know how to breathe or speak. I just watched him blankly.

"Oh, thank God." He breathed, a small, relieved smile forming on his face.

"What happened?" I asked quietly, the strange vision still playing in my head.

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