8. Burn

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[A/N] If you die from the GIF, it's fine I did too :)

Blinking felt like the easiest thing. Moving my mouth and creating words  felt like the opposite, especially when seven boys were staring at you.

Seven beautiful boys.

Their hair was like a rainbow, all shades crowded together on two couches. I recognized two of them, from his light purple hair and foxy eyes, and the other with his ethereal beauty and hair like blood.

Jimin sent me a small smile before his face fell, replaced with fear and worry upon glancing at the boy beside him. I gulped as I turned to look at the other Gem, instantly noticing Taehyung's eyes darken and narrow in hatred.

I looked away, my gaze falling back on the faces that still watched me.

"Who's this?" One of them piped up, his hair a golden yellow.

The whole room was silent for a moment, not having any clue what to say.

"This is Taehyung's slave, Hoseok." Jimin explained for him, eyebrows furrowed.

A blue Gem in the back gave a small smile. "You must be the human everyone's talking about," he said with satisfying realization his tone, resembling the voice of when you solved a difficult problem.

I nodded, my mouth still sewn shut. After what happened yesterday, when I spoke without thinking, I could've risked my job. This time, I would stay true to the list of rules and follow them to the best of my ability. Even when I didn't want to.

What made it harder was that the seven Gems kept watching me— scanning me carefully. That was one thing that none of them could cover up when around humans. The fear was clear in their eyes; they were observing, and acting accordingly. It was like watching an uncaged lion, it was unpredictable what it would do next.

I shifted uncomfortably.

That's when Taehyung spoke up, making me jerk my head in his direction. "She's not worth it, guys." The boy said impatiently, standing up and walking toward me. "She just got the wrong room."

"Hold up, Taehyung. She doesn't know who we are. Shouldn't she should know our names first?" Another Gem spoke up, and I recognized Jimin speaking.

"She's human." Taehyung seethed, black eyes narrowing even more.

"That doesn't matter. She should know our names and who we are."

Taehyung huffed in irritation, backing away from the scene.

"We're the seven replacements of the Order," he explained. "This is Jung Hoseok, Topaz sect," he gestured to a golden-haired-Gem who bit his lip in fear. "Kim Seokjin, Emerald sect," he pointed to a green haired Gem, who's eyes looked at me in discomfort. "Min Yoongi, Onyx sect," the Gem glanced over at me for a mere second before turning away, his plum hair glittering under the sunlight beaming through the window. "Kim Namjoon, Sapphire sect," the familiar Gem smiled at me slightly, providing me with a slight ounce of serenity. "And Jeon Jungkook, Pearl sect." A white headed Gem looked over, his doe eyes wide and confused. He saw me and they opened even wider before he looked away.

"I'm Park Jimin, Amethyst sect." He gestured to himself.

I raised an eyebrow. "What does that mean? Sect?" I asked quietly, eyes gazing back and forth between the seven of them. Their sharp jaws tensed, and their eyes met one another—gazes laced with concern. I pursed my lips, hoping not to start another fight, especially right now.

I've had enough drama for the last couple days.

The blue haired Gem in the back—I'm assuming Namjoon—commented. "There's seven different sects. Sapphire, Emerald, Onyx, Topaz, Amethyst, Garnet, and Pearl." He explained patiently. "We're all under each."

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