21. Giving a Chance

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After setting up the food for breakfast, I called for everyone to join. Jimin came and sat down first, followed by the others.

Yet, it was silent at first, eerily quiet. The five boys sat down, glancing at each other cautiously, before digging into their food and not saying a word to one another or even me. It was the same treatment from last night as well — quiet, respectful, but strangely uncomfortable.

The fear was evident in their eyes, from the way their gaze wandered throughout the room, and focus glued on their food. It was obvious they didn't like me there. I may have been socially inept, but this was painfully noticeable. I sighed, trying to repeat Ryujin's words from earlier.

But that tiny, insecure voice lingering in the back of my head remained.

"How's the food?" I asked quietly.

"Fine." Seokjin said, not even looking me in the eye.

I licked my lips, staring down into my food, separating it to distract my thoughts.

"Is something wrong?" I asked cautiously, looking up to glance at each of the boys.

The moment those words exited my mouth, Namjoon replied dully. "Nothing's wrong."

"Are you sure? 'cause you've been acting weird ever since we got here," I responded, my emotions overcoming my thoughts.

The five boys' eyes flickered up to mine, eyes aflame with an emotion I couldn't put my finger on.

"Everything's fine." Namjoon said flatly.

I looked back at each of them with as much concern as I could accumulate —  but I didn't think it was enough, since seconds later, they each stood up and left the room, bringing their plate of food with them.

I sighed, leaning back in my chair, folding my arms impatiently. I shook my head before looking forward to see a confused, but pissed off Taehyung, jaw ticking as he sent glares in the direction of the boys. Meanwhile Jimin kept quiet, trying to stay out of the drama — although he appeared concerned.

"You can go join them," I whispered bitterly. "I don't care."

Taehyung's gaze flickered over to mine, before he shook his head. "I'm fine where I am."

My eyes softened at the unexpected response, but I shook my head in protest to the warm feeling building in my chest.


Staring off into the distance while cleaning the counters seemed to be the only useful thing. After finishing breakfast — which was a rather awkward endeavour — I began to clean up. It seemed sensible, and the only way to take my mind off of what happened.

My impatience and lack of shutting my mouth once again surfaced into my life at the worst of times, unfortunately. Yet, in some ways I was glad to have put the question out there, for it was eating me alive.

I needed to know what they were truly feeling, and now I felt a sense of relief that I knew. Although they avoided answering my question by running away, I didn't need the verbal response to know the truth.

They were just like everyone else.

I sighed, swiping my cloth across the table and letting out a huff when it slipped from my fingers to the floor.

"Shit," I muttered, leaning forward to pick up the cloth.

Little did I expect to see a pair of white socks in front of my eyes, and I gulped before looking up at the familiar face that used to make my insides twist with pure hatred. Although I still found him a bit annoying, but I didn't hate his guts — at least not to the extent I used to.

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