13. Two Left Feet

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Walking in that building felt like entering a castle.

It was decorated with golden walls and windows, painted with such intricacy it was a headache to try and notice it all. Flickering candles were scattered throughout the room, and reflected off the floor, bringing out the beautiful caramel coloured floors. However, biggest source of light was the large chandelier that hung from the centre, glittering from the diamonds that adorned it.

I looked up, seeing another painting of the Obsidian Order, much like what was in the church. Instead, it showed them dressed up, and dancing together under a beautiful light.

Taehyung tugging at my arm pulled me out of my daze, "c'mon, you're supposed to waltz,"

"What?" I looked at him wide-eyed, as my gaze fell upon the many people who were standing around, and some dancing to the gentle music in the background.

"We have to make this believable, or this isn't going to work." He whispered harshly, pulling on my arm.

Taehyung gazed into my glaring eyes, until they flickered with realization at my lack of understanding. "You don't know how to waltz," Taehyung chuckled to himself, crossing his arms over his chest.

I honestly thought this would be a simple party where people stand around and flaunt over their clothing and dates. Yet, this seemed much more involved than I had presumed it to be. My palms were red with sweat, watching everyone dance gracefully.

I felt so out of place.

"Never had the privilege," I muttered bitterly, gulping down the nervousness building in my throat. In my town, no one ever danced or listened to music often, only in specific situations. Waltzing, and parties like these were something that represented the richness of the Gems; the slow, sensual dance and exotic imagery.

Taehyung let out a sigh, as he grabbed my hand and pulled me toward him. I gasped slightly, my gaze flickering up to meet Taehyung's. My eyes roamed his face unknowingly, and my stomach did a back-flip upon truly appreciating his beauty. The small mole on his waterline and on his nose, and the monolid I'd never noticed.

Too bad he was a spoiled asshat. I exhaled a small breath, reminding myself once again I just needed to live with it for a few hours.

"First, you put your arm on my shoulder," Taehyung pulled my hand to place it on his shoulder, as his hand fell to my waist. "With the other hand—I hold yours like this," his gloved hand slid into mine as he held it outward.

I looked into his eyes again, the black abyss staring back at me. But it wasn't dark and eerie like the other times, it appeared more playful, a small fire burning behind them. "Now, we waltz." He said, as his foot stepped forward and I stepped back.

My head fell downward to watch my feet, making sure I was stepping correctly. The last thing I wanted was Taehyung to lose his shit because I stepped on his precious foot. Then I felt his finger tilt my chin, forcing my gaze to meet Taehyung's. "When waltzing you never take your eyes off one another," he whispered as his eyes scanned my face, and I removed his hand.

"If I do that, I will literally step on your foot. My two left feet are quite hard to control." I said with a smirk, and Taehyung snorted shaking his head.

"You in general are just hard to control," Taehyung remarked with an eye roll, and I swatted his arm, my eyes glaring into his.

"Shut up. Degrading is my thing." I replied, trying my best to follow his swift movements. The stares Taehyung was giving made me nervous and giddy, but I knew it was all an act for the people to believe. If he showed how he truly felt, it would have been nowhere near the same flirty glances.

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