12. Galas and Playboys

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Taehyung's POV

Her eyes widened when she noticed me, her gaze roaming my form that sat on the fountain's ledge, reciprocating the look she gave.

Her arms crossed, and she frowned, "what are you doing here?" She asked bluntly.

"I could ask the same of you," I replied, my eyes narrowing. "Humans usually can't get in here, the barrier's for Gems only."

Juliana's eyebrows raised in surprise, as her eyes glanced back at the door. "I have no idea why that is," she pursed her lips. "Doesn't work on me, I guess." She shrugged playfully.

I rolled my eyes.

Juliana's eye twitched with irritation at my response before she spoke again. "Anyways," her face straightened. "you still haven't answered my question."

I sighed in defeat, giving in to her request. "I come here often," I said, before looking into the fountain's blue water.

Juliana didn't say anything, and watched me---almost waiting for something else. I smirked, taking my chance to tease her. "Why? Did you think I was stalking you or something?" I asked, glancing over my shoulder to look at her.

I held back my smile as I turned back to face the fountain, hearing her scoff behind me. Juliana didn't seem like the person to back down, making it far more interesting and exciting.

"I have no interest in your daily life," She stated firmly, rolling her eyes afterwards. "Tell your ego to fuck off."

My eyes narrowed. "But I saw you at church too, can't deny yourself now." I chuckled, my eyes meeting her angry ones.

It was quite funny, seeing her acting so confident when she knows very well who she's talking to. It was as if she was unaware of the class system. Though she irritated me because of it, I couldn't help but feel less outlandish-like I wasn't different.

"Correction, Ryujin and Lisa invited me to go with them. Nothing more." Her head tilted to the side impatiently. "Honestly, seems like you're the stalker, you seem to pay too much attention towards what I'm doing."

I sighed, and turned around and looked into the fountain again.

I heard her chuckle smugly, both of us knowing she won the argument---though I hated to admit it.

So, I continued to observe the water, which illuminated an aqua light on the world around me, including Juliana who wandered around looking at the pillars. She seemed fascinated with all of it, her eyes wide like she was seeing it for the first time-which I assumed was true.

"What're you doing?" Juliana asked with a confused expression as she glanced over at me.

"Staring into the fountain, isn't that obvious?" I replied with an eye roll.

"Why are you staring into a fountain? That sounds boring,"

"I don't know. It just looks cool, like the water's dancing." I said softly, as I dipped my finger into the water.

Her fingers graced the moss on one of the stone pillars with her lips pursed. "Fun." she replied sarcastically.

That's when it hit me. Dance.

I haven't asked anyone to the gala yet, which I'd come to realize was the next day. I groaned with irritation, assuming all of the other girls had dates already. That's when I saw Juliana-in all her arrogant glory.

She may have had a big mouth, was annoying as hell, and hard to tolerate but it was the only option I had.

"Hey, have you ever been to a gala?" I asked timidly. I had no idea what her reaction would be, and I was afraid to find out if it went badly.

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