19. Separation

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I inhaled sharply, as I stood in the kitchen preparing my bag for the food I would fill it with. Turns out, everyone ate like a pig last night, and so I took the initiative to drag myself out of bed and head out for some — for we needed a lot more food. 

As I finally finished emptying my black bag, the smell of fresh air rolled off the Korean hills and seeped through the opened windows into the cottage, creating a musty aura that was familiar to me — reminding of when I was a child.

My father prepared me for that one day ever since... the day when humans would be pushed into the forest by the Gems and forced to survive like wild animals. Little did I know that my father was in fact preparing me for what might lead to a war, would change history forever.

I glanced at the sky, noticing how it began turning a strange green colour, indicating the sun was beginning to rise, from the beaming sunlight peeking through the trees. It was almost habit at this point to watch the sun rise every day, almost daydream while staring at it. 

I observed for a few seconds through the kitchen window, setting an intention for the day, and reminding myself of what was lying ahead. I gulped at the thought, assuming it best to narrow those down to the next twenty four hours. 

I blinked for a few seconds as I threw my bag over my shoulder, and sighed as I approached the door to leave.

Before I could step out the door into the cool, foggy morning, I heard a stir from the back of the house. I turned with a frown, eyes scanning the area behind me. No sound. 

My eyes narrowed, as I carefully stepped toward the subtle stir. I was half expecting an animal to leap out and growl at me, for we were out in the middle of nowhere and that was likely to happen.

Instead, I saw a black bed head, and a pair of tired eyes looking back at me. I could've sworn he looked like a teddy bear, from how cuddly and innocent he looked in a white shirt and track pants. I resisted the urge to run over and hug him, yet I knew the lack of innocence underneath the façade.

"What the fuck are you looking at?" He growled.

Yep. Point proven, definitely not a teddy bear.

"Your ugly ass bed head," I responded with a small smile.

Taehyung glared at me as he rubbed his bared arms. My eyes lingered on the scar for a few seconds before looking away awkwardly, almost guiltily. "How is your...uh...burn?"

He glanced over at me, before his eyes trailed to the now healing scar. "It's getting better." 

I nodded, "that's good."

Taehyung yawned before ruffling the now black locks. "What are you doing this early?" He asked with a sulk, eyes still half-closed.

"I could ask the same,"

"I'm awake because you're so fucking loud." He scoffed and I bit my lip to hold back another fiery comment.

"I'm going to get some food, and the field is pretty far so..."

Taehyung's eyes instantly widened as he leapt over the couch, tripped slightly over the carpet, but somehow managed to stumble so that he was standing in front of me. "Breakfast?" He asked with eyes like a puppy, hands vibrating with excitement.

I wanted to laugh at the dramatic gesture but my morning irritability was getting the best of me. "Sure?" I replied with a small scoff at his immaturity. "Why? Do you want to come with me?"

"Uhmm, fuck yes! Why else would I ask?" he exclaimed, pulling on his jacket. "How long of a walk?" Taehyung questioned with curious eyes, reminding me of a child.

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