20. Sailing Ships

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Taehyung and I proceeded on our journey back home, the sun started to rise behind our backs, the morning air growing warmer. It no longer felt as foggy as this morning, but rather a warm spring day — the birds coming alive, and the sky growing more bright. 

We stepped through the grass, crossing the large rock wall that separated animals from humans. Humans built it a long time ago, to keep out the animals from getting to their food and into their homes. I smiled a little at one spot on the wall, where thick leaves hovered over it like a canopy. This was the prime meet-up spot for Seulgi and I as young kids. Where we'd talk about how the world fucked us up, or where we would observe the fog slowly disintegrate from the hills. 

"Hey," I whispered, an idea popping into my head rather suddenly, my gaze glancing over at Taehyung who's eyes widened curiously.

"I swear to fucking God, if you are doing anything else slightly dangerous, I'm going to murder you," he said, one eye twitching.

"If you murder me, I can't save you." I raised an eyebrow. 

Taehyung sighed in irritation. "Whatever. What do you want?"

I chuckled, "I have a fun idea. It's not exactly safe but..."

Taehyung rolled his eyes again, "what is it?"

I instantly started running across the field, while Taehyung continued walking behind me.

"Why are you running?!" He exclaimed. 

"Stop being such a vibe killer, and have some fun!" I said, skipping through the field and running faster towards our destination. I glanced over to see Taehyung still walking with a raised eyebrow, questioning my impulsive behaviour.

"Are you going to be a dumb lump, or must I haul your ass here?" I called to him, stopping momentarily to fold my arms.

That's when I saw him start running to catch up to me, and I waited for him to catch up.

"You good?" I asked with a small chuckle watching him breath heavily.

"Fuck you," he replied chest rising and falling from all the running. "You think I can't have fun?" He said.

"You seem rather incapable." I chuckled smugly. 

"Psyche!" Taehyung shouted, as he sprinted ahead of me. 

My jaw dropped, "you dare challenge me!" I replied playfully, laughing at both of our childish behaviour.

I looked up, seeing the large smile on Taehyung's face; the boxy smile I hadn't seen before, the one that made my heart flutter with happiness — a rare sight I'd never thought I would've witnessed.

The pain and restriction put on him from his family must've been a painful life to live, where you must hold back who you are to please others and define perfection. His emotions and freedom to be himself were always put second... hidden from the world.

I can't even imagine what that was like — living a life of no freedom like this.

My eyes softened a little, seeing the carefree look in his eyes — perfectly styled hair blowing in the wind, and becoming curly and fluffy, emotions expressed freely. It seemed so heartwarming to see him like this.

Once we reached our destination, we were met with the large tree and a wall of stone, to which Taehyung let out a loud whine of protest.

"This is so dangerous, we're going to break our necks and die!"

I shrugged my eyes meeting his, offering a challenge to him. "At least we die doing something cool, rather than laying in our beds doing nothing."

He grumbled, watching me climb up the tree in slight concern and irritation. 

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