28. Past & Plans

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[A/N] As promised (i was a few hours late) :D

Softness was the only thing I could feel as my eyes stared at the ceiling blankly, occasionally glancing over at a boy sleeping in a chair on the other side of the room. My heart raced in anticipation of his eyes opening to meet mine. Instead, I was met with small snores escaping his pouted mouth, as he shifted in his position every so often.

He stayed the whole night, no matter how much discomfort he felt. I smiled gently to myself, admiring him. All of him. He could've left me to die, which was what I would've expected. Yet, he didn't. My brain was still wrapping around that.

But most importantly, the monster haunting me had been silenced, and all I felt was light.

Finally, Taehyung opened his eyes and it seemed as if the heavens had offered a second chance to me; a chance to redo what happened yesterday morning.

"Annie?" he chuckled, before standing to his feet and stretching. "Why are you up?"

I shrugged, groaning slightly from the pain it inflicted on my shoulder. "Couldn't sleep,"

Taehyung sighed before kneeling next to me. "Let's see your shoulder," he whispered so gently, his voice resembled that of velvet. He gently moved the sleeve of my shirt and took a glance at the scratch. "It looks better than last night, thankfully."

I chuckled quietly, "how did you learn to do that?"

"To what?"

"You know, healing wounds and stuff."

Taehyung's eyes averted to mine, pulling the blanket over my body. "Books, and a lot of fights."

My eyes softened. "I'm sorry,"

He waved his hand in dismissal, "it's alright, what do you expect from being famous? Especially surrounded by jealous kids."

I bit my lip and sighed, "people do some strange things when they're angry," I muttered and Taehyung nodded.

He looked down awkwardly. "I didn't mean to be nosy, but...I noticed you had this strange scar on your stomach last night. It was quite large, and I was wondering if something happened,"

I frowned not recalling anything of the sorts, "what scar?"

Taehyung grew closer to me, and my breath hitched watching his hand hesitantly reach for the fabric of my shirt. "May I?"

I was afraid at first, nervousness laced in my gaze as I stared back into his own. But the warm and gentle eyes he returned made that fear dissolve, and I nodded.

Gently, he pulled the fabric back, and his eyes roamed my stomach curiously, before his hand traced a line on my lower stomach, making me gasp slightly at his cold touch. "This one,"

My eyes widened, and I felt the tears beginning to sting my eyes — I knew that exact scar. I could hear the voices... the voices of the boys, and the shrill screaming.

Upon seeing my eyes change, Taehyung pulled away. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I should've-"

"No," I mumbled my gaze meeting his again. "It's not your fault, it's just... painful, where I got it from."

I took a deep breath. I don't know why I was telling him this, but it felt right.

"12 years ago, I had a friend named Hana. She was killed." I said, my bottom lip trembling. "They didn't try to kill me. At least not at that moment, but they stabbed me."

Taehyung visibly winced, eyes softening with worry.

"Instead they cuffed me to a pole in a dark alley, leaving me for dead." I finished, biting my lip to hold back the rush of tears, "I almost did, but I escaped."

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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