9. Powers?

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Taehyung's POV

My fingers were at war with each other—fiddling and twisting as I watched the seven men talk before me. I traced the red stoned ring that hugged my finger, twisting it as my gaze switched back and forth between each of them, their discussion every so often fading into nothing but mumblings.

I hated the Obsidian meetings. They were boring, and in most cases too indecisive. The seven members took too long discussing the same thing rather than actually solving it and taking steps forward to improve. Meanwhile me and six replacements watched, or on rare occasion joined in. According to my father, it was a perfect opportunity to experience the job we would soon have though we didn't do anything.

The very thought of having the responsibility over Onavale was definitely something I wasn't really looking forward to, but I knew that I had to do it. Tradition was tradition, and it could never be broken.

"Onto the next thing," Jun said from the other side of the room, pulling me out of my daze, "the Onavalians have been witnessing suspicious activities below," he explained, raking his hands through his aqua coloured hair before his eyebrows furrowed with concern. I scrunched my nose at his presence, it being nothing but irritating.

Ever since we were kids we never got along, spitting fire at each other. It only grew worse when he began working for the Order—because Jun remained the same as his childhood self; always subtly hinting his hate toward me.

The Gem gulped, "people are growing restless down there, more deaths are occurring. And they're afraid something might happen."

My dad stroked his chin in thought. "Do we have proof?"

"Well, you remember the strange fire from a couple weeks ago?" Another Gem named Ari said, as her silky lavender hair flowed like an ocean wave on her shoulders. "We still don't have a culprit."

"We shouldn't do anything," Avaritia said, her green hair tied in a small bun. "Besides, it's only a suspicion, we're not sure if any of it is true."

Another Gem nodded, as he brushed a strand of his greased blue hair out of his eyes. "The Opal Gala is soon, we shouldn't be worrying about this right now-"

"But the civilians might not be safe," another Gem interrupted.

"We have the highest amount of security throughout headquarters. The humans don't have the resources to harm us, so I don't think this is necessary." My father responded, leaning back in his chair arrogantly.

"That's a bold assumption to make." Acacius, a Pearl Gem argued. "The humans may be wild, but we have no idea what they are cooking up beneath our noses."

My father sighed. "Fine then. Let's finish up with the Gala, and talk about this another time."

They all nodded, before Avaritia ended the council meeting. "We'll meet back in a month."

I licked my lips with nervousness, as everyone stood up and left. The thought of headquarters being attacked scared me a bit, especially when there was a human here. Juliana was highly suspicious to me, with her outspoken and non-obedient nature. Though she was hired by my father—and I somewhat trusted him—I couldn't help but question if it was the right choice.

"Taehyung," my father's deep voice said as he approached me.

My eyes met a dark shadow that casted on the dull carpet, and my eyes flickered up to the owner.

My father adjusted his jacket and cleared his throat. "I need you to be on your best behaviour at the Gala, our reputation depends on it. Mr. Han is coming to the Gala, and he wants to meet you," He whispered. "Don't embarrass us." He said firmly, eyeing me with a look that sent a cold wisp of air through my body.

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