23. Mother

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Loud snores escaped my mouth, as I rolled over, as light instantly beamed on my face. But I didn't care in the slightest, for whatever I was lying on smelled amazing and was warm — luring me to stay asleep. It felt as if I was snuggling a teddy bear, and a smile spread across my face in comfort.

Until it started to move and shift.

My eyes fluttered open, eyes meeting a handsome face sleeping peacefully next to me. His black hair was everywhere and mouth pouted slightly.

It took a few seconds for me to finally process that I wasn't sleeping on a pillow.

My eyes widened in embarrassment, backing away frantically at the realization.

I had been sleeping on his shoulder all fucking night.

Taehyung stirred, eyes opening slightly, as his forehead drew into a frown. He noticed my face and chuckled lightly, "what?"

"Why was I sleeping on your shoulder all night? Why didn't you move me away?" I responded, bringing my knees to my chest in disgust.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, "I sleep like a rock, so I have no idea whether or not you slept on my shoulder. And besides, I'm sure you enjoyed it." He smirked, propping his head on his arm arrogantly.

"If I did, I wouldn't be reacting like this," I narrowed my eyes at him.

Taehyung chuckled rolling over making his back face me. "Every girl reacts the same way, Juliana."

"How do you know? Have you slept with any girls?" I questioned with folded arms.

"No... but I've been around them enough to know they lie. Yet you... you are a terrible liar." Taehyung said, voice deeper than before. I could practically hear the smile in the way he spoke.

I grunted in irritation, picking up my pillow and swatting him on the head with it. "Whatever, now get up you ketchup pack." I said stepping past him and through the hall and toward the kitchen.

I sighed in relief at the fresh smell of food. I walked further down the hallway, and entered the kitchen where I noticed Lisa and Ryujin cooking.

I hopped to sit on the counter and smiled gently. I pulled a slice of apple from Lisa's cutting board.

"Hey!" Lisa chuckled.

I shrugged and smiled widely.

As they both continued making breakfast, I didn't even realize Taehyung come in until I heard his footsteps enter and he sat on the counter next to me. I rolled my eyes and scooted away from him, causing him to smirk.

"You're still angry at me, aren't you?"

"What do you think?" I responded with narrowed eyes, but he just chuckled smugly.

"If you guys are going to fight, please do it somewhere else," Lisa said while chopping more apple slices

Ryujin hushed her, looking back over to us. "C'mon don't spoil the fun, it's entertaining."

I rolled my eyes and jumped off the counter. "I'm gonna go shower,"

As Taehyung was about to open his mouth to speak, I stuck my hand up in his face. "Don't say anything, or I swear I will kick your horny ass back to Onavale." I stated firmly, eyes glaring into his.

He chuckled and zipped his mouth shut playfully.

I turned away and toward the shower, praying that the problems would just evaporate when I got out.

I was wrong. Very wrong.

Taehyung couldn't leave me alone after what happened this morning — h never missed the opportunity to torture me. He gave suggestive glances and wiggled his eyebrows, sometimes even allowing his hands to brush my waist every so often just to let it soak in.

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