22. Letting Go

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Juliana's POV

The sun started to set a stunning orange, while its rays peaked through the trees and into the windows of the cottage. As the sun dived toward the horizon, the more it spread through the sky to create a comforting warmth.

I observed through the trees, noticing the fire from the festival glow and grow bigger. Noises echoed through the field and into the house; the banging of drums, singing, and sounds of freedom.

I stabbed my fork into my veggies, not saying anything after what happened earlier with the boys. I couldn't even look at them with the amount of guilt and anger I had pent up in my mind.

"What's that sound?" Seokjin asked abruptly, turning to look out the window.

"The festival is starting. They begin at sunset," I replied quietly.

The yearly festival was always something of importance to our people — it was a symbol of independence, that we couldn't be overthrown by anyone. I longed to go, and escape this awkard situation before me.

Jimin looked at me hopefully, "we can go."

I shook my head, not even looking up. "It's not safe. If you are recognized, we'll all get killed."

The boys tilted their heads in confusion, watching me with curious eyes. They seemed shocked at my consideration of their lives.

Jimin reached across the table and patted my hand with his gloved ones — a necessity I made around the house. "You explored our culture back in Onavale, and I think it's fair we return the favour." He smiled gently, his beautiful cat-like eyes understanding and kind.

Taehyung rolled his eyes in the background. "Are we going or not?"

I shrugged, "I just don't want anything bad to happen," I gulped and looked down. "And I'll be blamed for it."

Namjoon stood from his chair. "We won't blame you."

Everyone's head jerked in his direction, including mine. I was beyond confused.

"We trust you, Juliana," he said hesitantly, but the way his eyes looked so genuinely into mine explained it all.

My eyes softened, as I looked up to him. "But I thought-"

He stopped me with his hand. "We've come to realize that we judged you a bit harshly earlier, and I'd like to apologize. It was unfair."

"We're willing to give you a chance." Yoongi said, although his eyes were dark, like he almost was expecting disappointment.

I nodded, eyes glazing over at each of them with gratefulness. My gaze then stopped on Taehyung, who offered a small smile at me, one that made my chest soften with comfort.

I sighed. "Are you sure you guys want to go?"

Namjoon cleared his throat, drawing the attention towards him. "I'm sure the boys wouldn't mind." He said and looked over at all the boys, some were curious, others were hesitant.

I sighed, meeting each of their eyes. I noticed the smallest ounce of sympathy within them, making my headache reside from the hope that things would fall into place.

Hopeful that we would steer the ship away from the storm.

I smiled and nodded. "Okay, I guess we can." I said, and everyone smiled in excitement.

Even Taehyung glanced over at me, and gave me a small, happy smile.

The loud music and obnoxious banging only grew louder as the ten of us made our way through the town. Small candles lined the small huts, a pathway to where the large fire was lit, and everyone in the town chanted.

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