18. All is Forgiven

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[A/N] He's so cute, I can't-

After returning to our cottage-like home, I began preparing dinner for everyone. I totally forgot how to cook some things, so I had to pull a lot from my memory. It reminded me of life back in my town, where I would make food with my mother and help hunt for food with my father. Those were some of the most memorable moments I had with my family.

I bit my lip, missing my family and Seulgi. Although I could've gone to see them, I wasn't allowed to for the protection of the Order's plan.

Turns out, my cooking endeavour wasn't a complete disaster, for Jimin decided to help out - though he demanded it no matter how much I protested.

From the warm feeling in my chest, I could tell I was beginning to build a friendship with him. He was kind to me the whole time I've been here, not treating me like a slave at all - but more like a person.

Jimin watched with fascination as the animal roasted to a delicious brown over the fire, and I smiled at the innocent sight. But I could see the hurt in his eyes, perhaps recalling what he saw when the poor thing was slaughtered.

"What happened earlier?" He asked gently, turning to face me with worried eyes.

My chopping of vegetables halted. "What do you mean?"

"You were different...panicked almost."

I gulped, and my gaze hardened knowing exactly what Jimin was referencing. I cleared my throat to dissolve the uncomforted feeling in my chest, as I had no interest in bringing that up at the moment. "Oh, it's nothing,"

Jimin raised an eyebrow at my me. "Are you sure?"

"I don't want to talk about it, Jimin." I mumbled sending him a glare over my shoulder. He nodded and backed down, heading to the other room. Although Jimin was kind to me, he didn't understand the pain buried within me.

No one truly did.

He wanted to help, and that was clear, from his worried expression and gentle demeanour; but there was nothing Jimin could offer - it was far more complicated than many realized. There was so much pain and suffering that was swelling my mind that was impossible to fix.

I gulped, heading over to the roast and cutting up the pieces for everyone to eat. Before I could call everyone for their readied dinner, they came storming into the room, sitting down and diving in immediately. I blinked in disbelief at their speed and chuckled at their stuffed cheeks.

"Jeez, I don't know if I made enough food." I muttered.

As my eyes scanned the table, I rolled my eyes at the one empty spot.


He'd been avoiding me for the past week, and it wasn't hard to see he thought I was guilty. I bit my lip in impatience, his childishness pissing me off even though I gave him ample space.

Clearly, his cold isolation were what was dragging this out, so the only other option was for me to talk to him. No matter how much I hated that thought...it needed to happen at some point.

I sighed, grabbed Taehyung and I's plate, and stepped outside.

The sky was approaching an indigo colour now, casting a strangely warm dark blue hue on the tall evergreens and overgrown grass in the distance. It was a stunning view; the clean air, unlike in Onavale and my town - it almost felt like an escape from all of it.

I gently put our plates on the doorstep and looked out into the dark evening. I watched as Taehyung stood in the centre of the field, hair gently blowing from the incoming wind and eyes gazing off in the distance.

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