Three - Friendly Food Offering

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Maddox's POV:

I watched as Emmi ran off. I wanted to run after her, make sure she was okay, but someone would notice. I glared at Zachariah and he glared right back. "Stay away from her, Maddox. She's mine."

"Excuse me?" I laughed. "You're the one who broke her heart. She's not yours anymore, jack ass."

"And the bad boy thinks she'll fall for you? Not gonna happen. You're not her type."

"Never said I was interested. I just noticed she wasn't herself, so I was being nice. You should try it sometime." I said. I could tell Zachariah was debating on taking a swing at me. I glanced at Wes and he shrugged. "Go check on her. I got cheater mc cheaterson." I smirked. Wes nodded and left for Emmi's Math class.

I turned my attention back to Zach and got punched in the face. I laughed and looked down at him, wiping my lower lip with my thumb. "That was a good one. How long did it take you to think of that one?"

I could tell I was getting under his skin, "Aren't you gonna punch me back? Or are you a coward, Maddox?" He growled.

"I just have better standards," I replied and left to get Wes. I knocked on the door frame of Ms. Reed's Math class and Wes looked up from checking on Emmi. He held up a finger and his attention went back to her. He handed her something before leaving.

"She'll be alright. Just happy it's the last class of the day." He told me. "She's hoping practice helps distract her, since Zach isn't in marching band."

I nodded, "What'd you give her before you left?" I asked as we walked to Spanish.

"Half of my sandwich and a granola bar. Nikki said she didn't eat at lunch. I thought about either of us ordering her something to be delivered after school, but I wasn't sure if that would be weird or not."

"I don't think so, but maybe make it anonymous? I can order something from the sub shop close by. I know you're gonna want something before practice."

Wes chuckled, "Do you know what she likes?"

I shook my head, "I can ask Gigi. She's in Spanish with us."

"What makes you think she'll actually talk to us? Gigi isn't a huge fan of either of us, you know that. None of Emmi's friends are. I'm still shocked she confided in you and told you what she did." Wes said as we walked into class.

We sat in our usual spot in the back and I looked at him, "I was surpised at that too. I guess us noticing something was off made her feel like we cared." I shrugged.

I felt something in the pit of my stomach just thinking of Emmi hurting as much as she was. I wouldn't admit it to anyone, but I was worried about her. I didn't like that she was hurting. What I really wanted to do was pummel Zachariah for being such an idiot. How could he hurt such a sweet and caring girl like Emmi? It made my blood boil just thinking about it.

"What's got your boxers in a twist, Evans?" Gigi asked with raised brows.

I shook my head, putting my thoughts to the back of my mind and turned my attention to Gigi, "Zachariah."

She almost choked on her saliva, "What did he do to you?"

Wes jumped in, "He's a jack ass. Does there have to be a reason?" He eyed me, knowing my secret feelings for Emmi that I'd never admit.

"Eh, you're right. There doesn't have to be a reason." She chuckled a bit. "You guys ordering food today?"

I raised my brow, "What?"

"Oh come on, you can't believe I don't notice when you guys order food. You're on your phones a little too long to be doing something else other than that. So, where you ordering from?"

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