One - Bad Boy Gets a Reading Buddy

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Maddox's POV:

I was sitting in Coach's office playing on my phone while he spoke to me. I wasn't in the mood to be bothered by doing this reading thing with the grade schools around the city, but it was required for the football team every year. Me being on the team for the past four years, I had done it every year with different kids. I didn't want to admit it, but I did enjoy it once I got there. The kids were all adorable and I adored seeing their smiling faces when I walked in.

Being the bad boy of the school, no one knew I read to the kids. They didn't need to know, it was my little secret. I needed to keep up my reputation somehow.

"Evans, you listening?" Coach raised his brow.

I looked up from my phone, running my hand through my darl hair, "Yeah, yeah. You want me to see the Fischer kid, Brooks." I answered with a wave of my hand. I wasn't about to act excited in the locker room, since most of my teammates saw me as intimidating.

"Evans, cut the act. No one is in here."

I raised my brow, "What are you talking about?" I looked around the room and didn't see anyone. I relaxed my shoulders and a smile crossed my lips. "Alright, where's Brooks file?"

Coach smiled, handing me the file folder, "He's eight and loves to read super hero comics and magic books. This year, we'll be doing it at the houses, so you better make a good impression for the teams sake, Evans. I know you're the bad boy, but be on your best behavior, will you?"

I flip through the folder and flashed my dark blue eyes his way. "Aren't I always?" I smirked.

Coach chuckled and waved me out. I slipped the folder in my Geography book and headed to class. Brooks last name sounded super familiar, but I wasn't sure where I heard it from. I shrugged it off and when I got to class, I sat in the back, like normal. My best friend and line backer for the team, Wes Hall, came in with a big smile on his face. I raised my brow as he sat down next to me. "What's got you so gleeful this afternoon?"

"You know the hot cheerleader, Dahlia Nickles?"

"The one who is actually kind and not a stuck up snob who wants to get laid every second of every day by us football players?" He nodded. "Yeah, I know her. Why?"

"Well, I actually got partnered with her for English for our semester long project. I'm actually excited for this thing." Wes grinned.

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. "Bro, you are a hopeless romantic. You sound so desperate right now, dude. I get flings aren't your thing, but damn." I chuckled a bit, knowing how much of a romantic Wes actually was. He had learned it from his parents and honestly, I was a little jealous.

I love my parents, but coming from a broken home doesn't do good for the romantic type. At least it hasn't for me yet, but maybe I haven't found the right girl that deserved my romantic gestures. One reason why I liked flings better, no attachment and very care free. Though, most girls wanted more from me. Thought I was dangerous and would really piss off their parents. I'm not about that, in fact I actually enjoy meeting parents. It pisses the girl off when I act all proper and like a gentleman for the handful of parents I do meet in the week or two I see their daughter. Ha! Can't fool me for a second on your plans, ladies.

Suddenly, I saw fingers in my face, snapping like crazy trying to get my attention. "Mad, you there?" It was Wes.

"Yeah. Lost in random thoughts." I answered in a slight daze. I turned my full attention to him, "Who'd you get for the reading thing?" I asked unenthused.

"Little Faith Grange. She is such an adorable six year old! I know her brother. He works at the diner Katie and I go to every Sunday for a sibling bonding day." Wes exclaimed. "What about you?"

"Some eight year old named Brooks Fischer," I replied, hiding my own excitement. Wes knew I was excited about this reading exchange, but also knew my reputation was on the line if I acted how I felt with it.

"You got Emmi's little brother. Good luck with that one, dude."

Then it hit me, Emmi Fischer, the girl who sat in front of me in this class. The one girl I enjoyed lightly tormenting, because she wasn't swooning over being with the bad boy like every other girl in the damn school. The anger in her gorgeous bright green eyes when she confronted me, made me want to do it more. She was cute when she was mad. Reminded me of a teddy bear being angry.

I chuckled to myself at my imagination and then saw Emmi walk in. Her glasses were off and it looked like she was crying from how puffy her eyes were, even if she did have make-up on. I caught the saddness in her eyes, even if she didn't want anyone knowing how upset she was because of something. The dirty blonde sat in front of me, as usual and she turned to me. "Please don't torment me today...I've already had a rough first half. I don't need more from you." She spoke softly and it really sounded sad, even if she tried to hide it with fake happiness. She fooled everyone around her, but she couldn't fool me.

Wes looked at me, "Is she okay? She doesn't seem like herself today."

"I'm fine, Wes. Thanks for your concern, but I don't need it." I heard a sublte crack as she spoke.

I took a piece of gum from my pocket, offering her a piece, "Fischer, I won't bug ya today. I can tell you're having a rough day."

She eyed the pack of Hubba Bubba in my hand and pressed her lips together, "I don't need your sympathy, Maddox." She shot, taking a piece and popping it in her mouth after unwrapping it. "Thanks for the gum. Grape is my fave." After that, she turned to face the front.

Wes and I exchanged glances, but kept quiet. Something really shitty must have happened if she's this moody today.

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