Thirteen - Big Surprise at State

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Emmi's POV:

I had gotten up at five to be at the school by six. I showered, covered up my scars and put my face on. I did my hair the way I needed to for the day and I sighed. I was excited for going to state with marching band for the second year. The fact that I had a huge piece as a sophomore was intoxicating. The seniors on the guard were jealous, but I was the perfect one for the part. I had a dance background and I actually looked like Dahlia.

My mom and brother were coming with me and my dad was gonna meet us there. I was just happy I didn't have to walk in the dark.

I headed downstairs to the kitchen and mom had made pancakes. I quickly sent Maddox a good morning text, put my phone in my sweatshirt pocket and sat down to eat. I heard the pitter patter of feet and saw Brooks running down the hall, happily. Mom was right behind him with a piece of a toast in her mouth. "Morning," I smiled.

"Morning, honey. You all set for today?" My mom asked.

I nodded as I finished my breakfast. I felt my phone vibrate and I checked it as I put my dishes in the sink. It was from the group chat with the girls. I chuckled at their excitement and wrote back. "We have to leave in fifteen minutes." I mentioned.

My brother pouted with a yawn, "Why do we have to be there so early?" He wined.

"We have to make sure everything is packed and all set to go, sweetheart. I have to help with the set and instruments." My mother told him.

"Can't I come with dad? I'm not gonna be much help."

Mom and I exchanged glances, "Don't you wanna watch me practice? Plus, you'll get free snacks." I sang.

Brooks' eyes glistened when he heard snacks, "Alright, fine. But I'm bringing some books along."

I giggled and ruffled his hair, "That's the spirit. Now pack your backpack and let's move out!"


When we got to the school, everyone was scrambling to get everything packed up. We needed to be on the road by seven at the latest, so it was a lot of chaos to get it done. I ran to the guard room, making sure I had everything all packed up and Jamie bounced in behind me with two large iced coffees in her hands. "Who's the second one for?" I questioned.

"You, silly. I grabbed the others coffee on the way here. Didn't you see the messages?" She asked, handing me the french vanilla iced coffee.

Puzzled, I took a look at my phone. Sure enough, there were a slew of messages for coffee orders. Thankfully, Nikki knew my order by heart, so she gave it to Jamie. But still no text from Maddox. I was starting to get a little worried, but I knew he usually was up around seven on days where he didn't have to be up early. If I didn't get anything by the time we were on the road, I'd message again. "Sorry, Jamie. I was making sure we had everything before we left the house. But thank you! Liquid gold right here," I smiled and took a sip. I hummed happily as I held it with two hands.

"Well someones happy to see me this morning," I heard Nikki comment.

I opened my eyes and saw the girls huddled in the doorway. "Good morning to you too."

We all laughed and headed outside for the bus with our belongings in hand. Our directors smiled as we got in the bus and we all sat together. Three on each side. Our band and guard combined was about the amount that filled a single bus.

The others got on a little after me and my girls did, filling in the empty seats before the single in our group had to share their seat. I heard yelling outside of my window and I looked to see Brooks and my mom waving me off. They'd be right behind us, but I still thought it was sweet. I waved back, blowing kisses to both of them and they left to the car.

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