Seven - Threatening Texts

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Emmi's POV:

Before the band went out to the bleachers, I got a text from Zach. I had been getting them all day, but this one was different. It was...threatening and scared me. He had told me not to talk or hang around Maddox or Wes anymore. Had he really gone that low to stalking me all damn day?

I clicked my phone to a black screen before stuffing it in my backpack. I searched for my girls and Jamie, needing some support and to see if Jamie got something from Zach too. I threw my sweatshirt on over my costume and tucked the bottom into my sweatpants, grabbed my dinner and headed outside. I found the others already sitting at the bleachers and I ran to my girls. I handed Brooks half of the sub I had and sat and ate, trying to cover up my worry with laughter and smiles. Though, it couldn't last forever and I knew that. So, I turned to my girls and with a serious tone I asked, "Can I talk to you guys? Jamie, you too."

They nodded and we stepped farther up, so we could have some privacy. "What's up, Em?" Cassie asked concerned.

I lowered my gaze for a second, scared to say anything. This is how I felt when the abuse started. I was scared to tell them, but I knew I needed to tell someone. And because I told them, they helped me through it. But I still had struggles with guys and simple gestures. I looked up with tears in my eyes, "He's threatening me...telling me I can't talk or see Maddox or Wes...I don't have control over that. Maddox is Brooks' reading buddy. He's gonna be at the house weekly." I paused, taking a deep breath to calm myself down, but before I could continue Gigi slammed her fist on the bleacher.

"What the hell is wrong with him? He is so damn controlling! He beat you because you didn't give him what he wanted. Neither one of you did." She gestured to Jamie and she nodded. "Is he going after you like this too?"

"Yeah...and it all started because a different guy is paying attention to me. His name is Lukas and he's in my English class. We've been partners for a lot of our assignments in English and he has always noticed when I was off." Jamie explained. I watched her smile a little and I smiled softly. "He is so sweet and noticed instantly that I was hurting this morning during second period. But...I'm scared to give someone else my broken heart so fast...."

Nichole looked over to her and took her hand in hers, "Jamie, do what your gut says. I know Lukas will respect your decision whatever it may be. He is a kind and caring guy and is observant with everything around him that matters to him."

Jamie raised her brows, "How do you know?"

Nichole smiled, "He's my twin. We look nothing alike, I know. I have black hair with brown eyes and he has blue eyes and brown hair." She chuckled.

"I never realized his last name was Lake." Jamie admitted, embarrassed.

Lilly giggled, "Most don't. And when they hear Lukas Lake, they don't put it together that Nikki and him are related muchless twins."

Jamie nodded and played with the bottom of her sweatshirt. "I honestly think I really like him...I had been debating on breaking up with Zach for a while, and get together with Lukas, but was too scared to..."

I looked at her and wrapped her in a hug. "I was scared to too...and now I'm even more scared with the threatening texts. I...don't know how to handle them. I could ignore them, but that probably isn't a good idea. But he's not here, so why not act on a whim and jump? I can't tell if I'm interested in Maddox...but Jamie, if we don't jump we'll never find out what we want." I stood up, stuffing my hand in my pocket and pulled out a note I wrote for Maddox. "I am going to give this to Maddox. I need to. Otherwise, I'm going to regret it."

The girls smiled and cheered me on. I headed down the bleachers and stood at the fence with a smile on my face. I watched as Maddox turned around and came over to me. We locked eyes for a moment, I noticed his eyes lower and then back up to my eyes. What was going through his mind? I wasn't sure.

"Here. I just wanted to say thank you for dinner." I smiled brightly, handing Maddox the paper.

He smiled, running his hand through his hair, "Of course. I wanted to make sure you ate. Nikki mentioned you hadn't eaten at lunch to Wes and Gigi wanted to make sure you had something in that cute tummy of yours." He laughed nervously.

I batted my eye lashes shyly, "Well I appreciate it and I know my brother does too." I giggled. "Good luck." I bit my bottom lip nervously. I had the urge to kiss him. I wasn't interested in him like least I didn't think I was, but I needed to take that jump. Who was I if I didn't?

And then I jumped. I stood on my tip toes and kissed him on the cheek. I felt a tingle when my lips touched his cheek and I couldn't help but blush. I pressed my lips together, nervous at how he'd react. When I did this with Zach, he'd get upset. He hated surprise affection, unless he did it.

"Erm...what was that for?" He asked, touching his cheek where my lips had touched. I wasn't sure if he felt the tingle I had, but he didn't look mad so I was relieved.

"For um...good luck." I blushed and looked down at my feet.

He chuckled softly, "Thanks. I'm sure that will help me." I nodded and left for the bleachers.

My girls shouted in excitment and I lowered my head in embarrassment. I quickly went back up to them and sat down. They all hugged me and I could see in Jamie's eyes that if I could take the leap, so could she.

The first half of the game was intense. I was at the edge of my seat the whole time, rooting for Maddox and Wes. But the band had to get down to the entrace of the field so I didn't get to see the last moments of the first half.

Once the players got off the field, we headed onto it and took our positions. I took a deep breath as nerves churned in my stomach. This was the first time the school actually got to see our routine and I had this huge piece in the middle where all eyes were on me. My costume had buttons that I had to undo to reveal the red dress the main character in "Lucky with the Shadows" wore. It was my favorite novel and movie and I was excited to portray Dahlia Hanes.

The music started and my feet moved on their own. I was lost in the routine and music for the next ten minutes and by the end of it I was out of breath. I smiled brightly at the job I had done and the standing ovation we had gotten. It made my pride swell in my chest and I turned to walk off the field, but noticed Maddox in distress. I gave Jamie my flag and rushed over, wrapping my arms around his strong, bare arm.

"Emmi?" Maddox asked.

I nodded with a smile, "Everything okay?" I asked and looked between Maddox and Zach. I caught Zach looking at me sexually, like he had always done when he was hungry for intimacy and a chill went down my spine. I hid behind Maddox, trying to ignore the uncomfortable looks I was getting.

"It is now. What did he do to you?" I heard Maddox ask.

I lowered my gaze, not looking at him. I wasn't ready to say anything. I barely knew him. "I um...gotta go. I'll see you around." I let go of him and ran off to the school to get changed.

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