Twenty-Seven - Back to School

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Maddox's POV:

I woke up early Monday morning to make breakfast for Emmi and I. I knew she wasn't going to be awake until I was already at school, but I figured I'd be nice and make sure she ate while I was gone.

When I was done getting ready, I poked my head in her bedroom. She was still soundly asleep, and a smile crossed my face. She looked so peaceful, but I needed to say goodbye to her before I left. I walked in her room and gave her a kiss on the forehead. I was about to walk away when I felt a hand grab mine. "Don't leave." I heard a wine.

I smiled and sat at her side, "Honey, I have to get to school. You'll be okay today. I have breakfast for you in the fridge and leftovers from yesterday's dinner for lunch today. You can text me at any time today."

Emmi slowly sat up with a frown, "Okay...just let me know when you get to school and when you're on your way back." She put her chin on my shoulder and kissed me on the cheek, "I'm gonna miss you..."

I chuckled softly, "Hey, I'm only a text away and you're going to be fine today. You got this. You're stronger than you think, Em. Just relax today and use the ice packs in the freezer." I stood up, helping her up and we walked into the kitchen. I grabbed her breakfast from the fridge, it still warm, and put it in front of her at the island. "Eat and then get some more rest. Watch some tv or do some reading." I kissed her on the cheek, "I gotta run. I'll let the girls know how you're doing."

She nodded, stuffing her face with the pancakes and eggs I made with some sausage links. "Thank you." She said with a mouthful of food. I chuckled and she swallowed, taking a swig of her orange juice. "If the girls want to come over after school, they can. So can Wes." She smiled.

"I'll let them know." I smiled. "I'll text you when I get to school." I blew her a kiss and left out the front door. I got to the car and headed off to school.


I walked into school and it felt weird not having Emmi beside me. It was like my shadow was gone. I headed to my locker and saw Nikki hanging out by it. I raised my brows, curious, "Hey. What's up?" I asked, pulling my backpack from my arm.

"Not much. Just checking to see how you were and how Em is doing." She side-eyed me.

I furrowed my brows, "I'm fine and she is doing better. You sure that's it?"

She shook her head, "No." She sighed, running her hand through her hair. "I know something is going on between you two. There has to be. The way you act around her during the day and at the hospital. The fact that you asked to talk to her on my phone on Black Friday. What's going on?"

My spine stiffened as I divided my books for the day in my locker. What the hell am I supposed to say to that? I can't tell her what's actually going on. "I was gonna check on her after school if you and the girls wanna join me. I was gonna see if Wes wanted to tag along too." I tried to get myself out of the grave I was digging deeper every second I didn't confess to Nikki.

"Uh...sure. She texted me earlier asking that same thing." She pressed her lips together. "I'll figure it out, Maddox. I know there is something going on between my best friend and you. And if I'm right, you better not hurt her. Otherwise, you're gonna have to answer to me and the others." She warned.

I rolled my eyes, acting like I was annoyed. "Whatever, Nik. Nothing is going on. Just meet me at my car after school." I shut my locker and went to my first class.

I sat down in my English class and put my head down with a groan. I heard rustling beside me and someone sat down next to me. "Everything okay, Maddox?" It was Gwen.

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