Twenty-Nine - Snow Trapped

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Maddox's POV:

The rest of the first week had passed and Emmi and I had a pretty nice routine going. I would wake up early to make breakfast, wake her up before I headed to school since I was healing quicker than she was, and made sure she was okay on her own for a few hours. She always was, but I wanted to be sure.

Then when school was done, I would head back to Emmi's and make a light snack before we had dinner. Then after dinner, we'd snuggle on the couch and read for an hour or two and then watch some tv before I helped her to bed and I laid on the couch in the den. It was easier for me to hear her if she needed me or had a bad dream.

It was Saturday now and Emmi was on the phone with her mom. I was in the kitchen doing dishes from lunch and I heard sadness in her voice. I poked my head around the corner of the wall, into the den and raised my brows, concerned. "Mom, please stay safe. And tell dad to drive carefully if you guys rent a car. I'll be okay for another week. Maddox is keeping tabs on me." I heard a chuckle. "Yes, mom, he's being a gentleman. Oh, uh, mom...okay. Just don't let dad chew his ass. He really is doing a good job. Respectful and keeping boundaries." She turned to me and my heart stopped for a second, like it had been every time I saw her lately. She was looking so much better. I was finally able to kiss her the way I wanted to without worrying about hurting her lip or beautiful face.

She handed me her phone and I put it up to my ear, clearing my throat. "Hello?" My voice cracked. Why was I so nervous about this? Her parents and I had met plenty before this phone call. And they even were okay with me staying at their home to keep an eye on their daughter. What was wrong with me?

"Listen here, Maddox Evans." It was her dad. He thankfully sounded sober, but he sounded mad. "You better not be doing anything in that house!"

I stopped him before he said anything else out of anger. "Sir, before you continue to yell at me, I would never. Your daughter is hurting, I'd never do anything to cause her more hurt. Besides, we are just friends. There is nothing to worry about between your daughter and I. I'm here to take care of her, not take advantage of her." I brushed Emmi's hair out of her face, as she wrapped her arms around my waist. "She is already looking better and feeling better."

"Yeah!" She reassured. "And he is on the couch every night!"

I covered her mouth, not wanting to make things worse, but sure enough, her dad heard and started yelling even more. I pulled the phone away from my ear and I suddenly heard her mothers voice, "Maddox, we both appreciate you staying at the house to take care of our daughter while we are on a business trip for my company. I'm sorry about Erich. I never told him you were staying at the house with her. I just mentioned you might stay a night or two, but it wasn't officially a thing. Plus, after Zach, he's a little...over protective. I am too, but I trust you with our daughter."

"As you should be. But I promise I doing my best to take care of your only daughter. I got a little protective myself when I heard what Zach had done." I admitted with a chuckle. "When are you two due home?"

"Well, we were due home tomorrow, but all flights are canceled due to snow. We can't get another flight until Wednesday. If we drive home, it might take us longer because of all the snow. No one is able to leave Maine for the next few days anyway. This storm isn't going to let up any time soon." Her mother explained. "Are you able to stay until we get home? Or will your mother worry?"

"My mom should be fine with it. Emmi is in good hands, Mrs. Fischer. Don't you worry." I reassured with a smile. She thanked me and I handed the phone back to Emmi. She talked to her mom for a bit longer and I called my own mom.

"Hello dear. When are you coming home?" She asked me in s cheerful tone.

I chewed the inside of my cheek, "Uh, her parents are snowed in in Maine. There are no flights until Wednesday and they can't drive home, cuz they can't leave the state. It's the worst storm they've seen out there." I told her. "Her mom wants me to stay until they get home. I'm sorry, mom."

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