Thirty-Eight - Mother and Boyfriend Bonding

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Maddox's POV:

I painfully laid on the couch, while the love of my life snuggled into my chest. I couldn't sleep, not after what she went through. Every time I closed my eyes, it replayed in my head. I played on my phone, keeping my music soft so I didn't wake Emmi or anyone else up.

Hours had gone by and I heard footsteps coming from the kitchen. I panicked, closing my phone and pretended to be asleep. "Can't sleep?" It was Mrs. Fischer.

I opened my eyes and looked at her. She was holding a mug of coffee with two hands with a smile. Her hair up in a messy bun and it looked like she had just woken up. "No. Every time I close my eyes..."

"I totally understand, Maddox." She shifted her robe gently, "Would you like some coffee? I made a pot."

I nodded and then looked down, "I'm kind of stuck," I whispered with a chuckle.

Her mother chuckled and went to grab a pillow to replace me with. I slipped put of Emmi's grip and put the body pillow to occupy the empty space. I followed her into the kitchen, grabbing a mug from the cabinet. It was the mug Emmi gave me when she made hot coca and her mom eyed me, then gave a teary-eyed smile. "Glad to see it's being used again, after so long."

I raised my brows toward her, as I poured myself a cup of coffee. I grabbed some zero calorie sugar and stirred my coffee with a spoon before turning to face Mrs. Fischer. "What do you mean?" I asked, sipping my awake juice.

"That mug was my sons favorite. He used it for everything," she gave a half smile, "coffee, tea, juice, milk, anything liquid he'd use it." She batted her tears away and sat down at the island. "Thank you for staying with Emmilia until we got back."

"It was my pleasure, Mrs. Fischer. I'm glad I was able to keep her safe." I smiled and paused, "Unfortunately,
Thursday someone had come to the house while I was at school. Some girl named...Marlowe?" I didn't continue. I saw Mrs. Fischer's demeanor change and her eyes widened as she gasped.

She looked to her daughter and then back to me, "What happened?" She asked softly. I didn't answer right away and her fists clenched. "Tell me what happened, Maddox!" She asked louder.

We locked eyes and I saw anger flare in her eyes. "She came by and attacked Emmi...I'm assuming for putting her brother in jail." I bit my lower lip, "She called me to take her to see Doctor Numan during lunch and she mentioned to him that she had new bruises and the one on her ribs and stomach was hit again. Thankfully, the internal damage is pretty much done healing so her bruise can start healing a little quicker." I lowered my gaze, "I'm sorry."

Mrs. Fischer slammed her fist on the island, hanging her head, "I'm just glad she is okay. But this needs to stop." She looked up at me. "She already has enough on her plate and in her head. Her body can't take much more of this abuse."

I nodded in agreement. "I think her episode dealt with Zach and his sister. She kept...telling me she was sorry and to not hurt her. She looked so scared." I felt my throat close up as tears formed at the base of my eyes. "Damn it." I turned away in frustration.

"Maddox, it's okay." Mrs. Fischer reached for my hand as a mother does when their child is hurting. "Sweetheart, as long as she has a support system, she will be okay. And she has that. She has the best support system she could ever ask for."

I sighed, letting some of my tears fall, "I just hate it. I hate seeing her frightened. breaks me. I hate that I can't sleep because I'm worried about her. Especially with what happened tonight."

"Maddox, I was the same way when Erich had his episodes at first. I was scared sick when they started happening. Mind you, they aren't abuse related. They're guilt related. She will get through this and so will you. You just need to stick beside her and make her feel safe. Exactly like you have been. It will get easier. I promise."

I looked up at her, tears still rolling down my cheeks, "Thank you. I appreciate the reassurance." I wiped my tears away and scrubbed my face with my palms, grunting.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jumped, "Relax, bro. It's just me." I heard my brother grunt. "Couldn't sleep either?"

I shook my head, sipping my coffee, "Overly worried. I'll be fine."

"Coffee?" Mrs. Fischer offered.

"Thanks, I'd love some." Briggs stretched with a yawn.

"Why couldn't you sleep?" She asked, pouring coffee for my brother. "Cream or sugar?"

"Cream would be great. Thanks." He sat down next to me, resting his head in his hands. "And I have insomnia, but anxiety can be the root of my sleep problems too. I'll be fine."

I looked at him with raised brows, "You sure? Cuz, you look like you haven't slept in like a few months."

"I said I'll be fine." He snapped.

I left it alone after that. He only snapped like that if there was something going on that he didn't want to talk about. I thought about his past relationship that was actually decent, but my math came out to it being about six months since she broke it off with him. From what I remember him telling me, she left and wouldn't tell him the reason or reasons why. All she said to him was if he had to ask, then that was her sign to go. That's what made him decide to study abroad in Germany for the year.

I still think she had someone on the side and the guy made up reasons for her to stop seeing my brother. He wasn't one to be toxic and he sure as hell wasn't one to be controlling. I grumbled into my mug and left my thoughts alone.

Mrs. Fischer set Briggs coffee down in front of him with a smile. He gave a tired smile back and sipped his coffee. "I'm just happy that this semester is over." He sighed.

"I bet mom was happy to see you." I commented.

He nodded, "Very. I felt bad leaving, but I needed a fresh year...if that makes sense."

"Totally." I gave a half smile, "I just know mom misses you like crazy. She won't admit it though." I chuckled.

He chuckled along with me, "I bet."

Briggs and I chatted for a while longer while Mrs. Fischer made breakfast. I offered to help, but she refused, telling me to relax and enjoy my coffee. I did as she told and peaked into the den with a smile. Emmi was still fast asleep, cuddling the body pillow. I chuckled softly, admiring how adorable she was. I got up and walked over to her, brushing her hair out of her face and kissing her on the forehead. I love you so damn much, Emmilia Rose. You have no idea.

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